Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, June 30

Quiet Time....

"Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭17:8‬ 

Another of my very favorite verses :-)


Daddy was up early again...

I had all my fur kids this morning...they are really confused that their Daddy is not here. They especially don't understand bedtime without him!

6 AM, hit the floor running...

Two duck eggs...
later, Bossy left me one between the boxes again...

Cucumbers and tomatoes are thriving...

Meds Day....
Mom and Dad's meds for the week...

Mom and Paula relaxing in the pole barn...Paula is mowing and cleaning around the barn...

Max is resting for the night shift...

The feathered kids were getting along fairly well today...

I made Mom and Dad a fried bologna sandwich for lunch...
then I sat down with my kids for a snooze...
didn't last long...

Took Paula a popsicle to cool her off after mowing...
and we sat down on her little patio...
Luke was snoozing under the truck...
We laughed and laughed...
"Turn your wreck into a check"...

The ducks were enjoying a "shower" from the hose...

Paula and I cooled off in the pool...

Lanny sent some photos from camp...

We had a visit from the Comfort Keeper's National Day of Joy and they go all over visiting their patients with a little gift...
so sweet!

I warmed up left overs for dinner...
Chicken, Kielbasa, Green Beans, Mac and Cheese, Roasted Squash...

I cleaned up the kitchen and then headed down to get the mail...
in the MULE :-)

I put the chickens and ducks to bed, gave them clean water and came in to watch some more Star Trek...
Still missing my man!

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams,
God bless America!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Day in the Life / Tuesday, June 29

Quiet Time.....

“The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.””

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14:14


Daddy got up at 5 and took his coffee and donut to his room...

Headed out at 6 AM to care for my feathered kids...

Two duck eggs... but one was broken...first time...

I threw the broken egg out to the crew and Willie grabbed it and ran...
I guess he loves raw eggs :-)

Had a small pile of soldier fly grubs for the kids...

Fed the horses a few carrots...

Lanny is sending me pictures from Centrikid...
they are having such a blessed time...
fun, fellowship and of course, learning more about Jesus!

He said it is really hot's really hot here too!

I took Mom to the doctor this morning and then we went to Kroger's to pick up some grocery items for tonights Family Night...
without Lanny and Sadie, and without James and Tasha (they had to go to Nashville for a medical checkup).

I made tomato sandwiches for Mom and Dad,
and then I took a short nap with the fur kids...

I forgot to pick up ice so I ran down to the corner store.
I saw the camels on the way...

So, for dinner we had Chicken, Kielbasa, Roasted Summer Squash, Green Beans and Salad.

It was such a small group tonight...James and Tasha and Lanny and Sadie take up a big spot...

So, everyone is gone, I have put up the chicks and ducks,
the kitchen is clean,
I'm in my jammies watching another Star Trek...

No movie tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams 

Friday on the Mountain... March 28

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... 🍃🧹 ““Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water...