Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain... April 30

Quiet Time...

"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: 
For thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety." 
Psalm 4:8 KJV
Up and At 'em!!!

Quiet time Bible Study...

Have I told you lately
that this is my FAVORITE time of day... ?

Max gave him a head butt and I guess he wanted 

his Daddy to ask him to come back...

Which he did!

Into the Light...

Out to the Barnyard...

Three in the coop

and the fourth under the steps...

Broken Record!!

Sat with the Goats for a few minutes...

Harvested a tray of Greens...

And the chickies get the tray!

Four Dozen Eggs into the Freeze Dryer...

Made the Men a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Omelet 

and Toast for Breakfast...

Let the Goats out to play...

they were really in a mood today!

Blue Bird Eggs still incubating...

Momma and Daddy always click at me when I look in...

Fiona butted Baby right off the steps...

Goats are crazy!!

Moving Rob and Molly's wrecked truck into the other bay 

so they can work on it AND clean up this bay... 

we are on a spring cleaning spree!!

The back tire was flat but once he fixed that

it started right up and he moved it over...

it will make a nice 4x4 Farm Vehicle...

They may try to straighten the roof 

or just saw it off...

still debating...

We were streaming Calvary online 

and both Maggie and Murphy insisted sitting with me 

in the little chair...

Sadie came over after church to visit and to see the new Babies!

She also got to watch Thumper and Blossom mating...

My grandkids get a LOT of interesting adventures 

around our house... 

now, in 28 to 31 days 

we should have a bunch of baby rabbits!!!


Watching Robbie work!

She drove me all over the property and to the ponds...

I had not been out here for a LONG time...

and she absolutely LOVES to drive the MULE!

She is a very good driver!

That is our compound up on the hill...

viewed from what Lanny calls the Grand Meadow...

Look at those clouds...

Clouds always remind me of God...

In the Bible He so often 

makes His Presence known

in a Cloud....

Lanny and Robbie were watching for us up on the hill...

Making Home Made Sloppy Joes for Supper...

With Home Made Cole Slaw...

and I threw a few Microgreens on top of mine...


Robbie's first plate is always a masterpiece...

as is his second...

and sometimes third...

I do not know how he stays so thin either...

I used to be built like that....

...those were the days.... :-)

Eleven Eggs today...

Still Fabulous...

Last week we had 82 eggs!!!

WOW is all I can say.

Last night we watched Maverick...

Mel Gibson...

Tonight we are going to start on "Karate Kid"...

Wax on, wax off :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends...

God bless


Sweet Dreams!

Friday on Walden's Mountain... February 21

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🧥❄️ “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your r...