Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday on Walden's Mountain.... October 8

Quiet Time...

"And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, 
and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; 
and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. 
And be at peace among yourselves." 

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 KJV 


Good Morning Sunday...

Dad got up around 4:45...
but I was ready except for his sausage biscuits :-)

Sweet Morning Pack Time...

I will harvest some of these today for tonights dinner...

Had to move Max,
of course...

Chow Time...

Out to the Barnyard...

Waiting at the gate...

Had some left over popcorn...
I actually do it on purpose :-)
I know they like it!


Dad didn't get up for his second breakfast until 9:30 
and I made him some Cinnamon Toast... 
I made Lanny a Breakfast Taco at 8...

We are taking down the garden fencing and the spent tomato plants...
we will move the garden farther back for next year...
Goats cannot eat tomato plants or green tomatoes 
so we had to get them out before we let them in to play in the dirt...
we would have just left them to compost if it had only been the chickens...

Baby always wants to help...

Harvested some of the greens...

Looked on the Goat Cam 
and Baby was sitting in the sand box...
too cute!

Making Mexican Ramen for Supper...

Most of us put it in a tortilla 
and make a "Soft Taco" thingy :-)

Circling Up for Prayer...

They were looking at the GIANT squash I brought in...

They need to cure a bit...
they are really BIG!!!

After supper we took the chicks and ducks a bit of left over salad...

And Lanny takes the girls a couple animal crackers :-)

The Barnyard Gang are all ready for the evening...
the goats are in their house with their dinner and some hay for the night...
the chickens are full of scratch grains and will put themselves to bed...

We are ready for Jammies and the last Narnia...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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