Sunday, March 31, 2024

Resurrection Sunday! on Walden's Mountain... March 31

Quiet Time...

"He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. 
Come, see the place where the Lord lay." 
Matthew 28:6 KJV
He is RISEN!!!

Bible Study and Pack Time...

Max and his Daddy!

Growing very nicely!
Second day in the light...

Nearly ready to harvest...

Amazingly, Paula's seeds are already sprouting!
Second Day!!!

Sunny Good Morning...
from iHeart Radio...

Lanny making his Breakfast Masterpiece!

Waiting for us to come out!

Not Murphy...
I am sure Fiona must have head butted him
so he is perfectly happy to stay in :-)

Out to the Barnyard...

Left over PopCorn!

The ducks always act like they are starving
when he lets the food bucket down...

Fiona likes popcorn...

But Baby just wants more Animal Crackers!!!

Yesterdays eggs...

I have had this Chocolate Soldier (begonia)
since we lived in California (46 years ago)...
not this exact one, of course,
but cuttings now and then
to keep it going ...
it was from my Grandma Corder's...
and then from Mom's...

On our way to church...

The Children sang today...

After church we ate at Hong's Asian Bistro...
it is really delicious!!!
...a bit expensive, 
so it won't be something we do often,
but we will definitely go back!

Yes, I ate every bite...

Lanny wanted a picture with Shaun...
I think he is the manager...
all the servers were SO good to us!!!

Looked out and saw these two laying close together...
yes, they are both ducks, 
but they are different breeds...
...they rarely get close like this...
usually we see the two white ones close together
or the two brown ones close together,
or all of them in a circle...
but this is sweet!

Rest time!

Spring is busting out all over...
the Rose of Sharon is budding...

I fed the fish today...
they are slowly coming out in the open...

And the little one is Hercules...
so named because he survived thru the winter
with no help from us...
we didn't know there were any fish left in there!

After our nap
Lanny went out to mow on the big mower
and I potted some of the sedum we bought...

I love this stuff...
it grows in nearly any medium
and is very tough!

This is a SweetSpire and it is starting to bud out!

We won't eat dinner tonight...
huge lunch!!

So we will snack and watch
a movie...
"Second Hand Lion"

Goodnight Family and Friends!
God bless
Sweet Dreams!

Hope you have had a
Blessed Resurrection Sunday...

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... January 22

Quiet Time in Bible Study... 💨💨 “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs ...