Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... May 16

Quiet Time...


“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
‭‭Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ 

Isn't he cute! Leopard frog
hanging on the edge of the fish pond last night...

Good morning Thursday!!

Max waiting for his Daddy...

First Maggie....

Then Murph...

Max went in and laid down in the bed with Lanny
just about the time he was getting up...
so Max stayed in the bed :-)

Teensy sprouts starting
in the Microgreens tray...

Day two blackout...

Sunny Radio Hello...

Out to the Barnyard...

Still hunting rodents...

Bernadette first in line today...


Baby grapes :-)

They are begging!!!

Yesterdays eggs...

Made egg muffins this morning...
becoming our favorite "go to" breakfast!

Goodies for the Kids...

Relaxing in the sun...

Sparkly Day...

Berries for the Kids...

And for the Chicks!

Loading up "stuff" from the back lot
and of course Baby wants to be
right in the middle of it!

We also worked a bit on the fence...
there can be no vegetation growing up into the
electric fencing...

She actually broke Lanny's glasses
in there but he was able to fix them :-)

Peppers and Onions
ready for the Freeze Dryer...

Made Black Forest Ham and Cheese Melts
for lunch...

Our little Tree Swallow
sitting on eggs...
so far so good...
they are NOT dive bombing us...
Hopefully they won't when the
 babies come...

I know it gets hot in there...
that is her little head sticking out...

Made Spaghetti for supper...

James is in the hospital again...
throwing up blood...
but they did a scope and found two places in the stomach
and one place on the esophagus that were oozing blood...
they cauterized those spots and hopefully that will
help his nausea...
AND the pain...
please continue to lift him up...
he is so malnourished and so weak
and he will never get better if he cannot eat 
and get his strength back!


We will get the chores done out back,
get our jammies on
and sit down to watch the next "X-Men"...
Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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