Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, May 15

Quiet Time....

““God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, 

for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:3‬

First thing this morning we had a trapped raccoon out in the garden...all the dogs were frantic... I had to get tough with Maggie, and Mitzi gets upset when there is drama..therefore, she stayed by me all during our Bible time ....

Still chilly!

And here is the culprit...we ended up letting him go way out on our property...hopefully he will not want to go thru that again. We shall see...

The chickens were unconcerned...

Three eggs...
plus one chicken egg later in the morning...

On our way to Hoskins for our Saturday morning date...

The usual truck show! :-)

We ran by the Co-op for a hose and nozzle and then to Food City for tomorrows meal fixing's... Hamburgers...duh!

Made us Grilled Cheese and Bologna for lunch...

Paula and Shelly clearing out more land down below the corral...

My girls love sunbathing on the black rubber mat at the gate...

Paula filling bird feeders...

Dad is getting out a bit more now that it's warm...
He loves warm, sunny weather...don't we all?!

Now that the pool is uncovered Lanny is working on the deck...there were several bad boards... he will have it looking good as new!!
Perhaps it will be warm enough for Sadie to get in by next Wednesday...
she will probably get in regardless of the temperature! :-)

Murphy enjoying the warm sun...
my little Fruit Bat :-)

Made Meat Loaf, Twice Baked Potatoes, Beets and Green Beans..

Lanny ran down to feed the fish...I had things to do out back so I didn't go...
I cleaned all the fowl ponds, filled the bird feeders, and set the varmint trap again.
Our raccoon friend has a buddy - perhaps I will catch him too and they can live on the other side of the farm together...

I am in my Jammies finishing this post and waiting for Lanny to get showered and ready to settle down for a movie... tonight will be the second Pirates...
Dead Man's Chest...

...and Popcorn from the snack bar...

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweetest Dreams
God bless America!!!

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