Sunday, May 30, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, May 30

Quiet Time....

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

‭‭John‬ ‭10:11‬

I love our quiet time in the early morning hours...

And Mitzi joined us today...

Dad came in and picked up his coffee and donut and headed back to his desk...

The fur kids were "demanding" breakfast so I had to get them fed before I headed out...

I feel like I am running a zoo around here :-)
AND I have a couple of really picky critters...

Maggie has to be kept at a distance from the others...she gets a little possessive :-)

After the puppies were fed and the beds were made I headed out to the waiting feathered kids...

I took a walk around the yard...I love to do that early in the day, when the birds are singing...


Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Chives, Parsley

It's Sunday, but I don't have to go to Ensemble practice today.... The Youth are leading the the music service. So I have an extra hour....

I made a jello dessert...

Then I set the table and did some last minute prep...

and headed outside to look around a little more... I think I could LIVE outside :-)
The chickens often wait for me at the gate...

The gourds are coming up nicely...only the nest egg gourds are not up... I may have to replant them.

I headed down the hill at 9...

It was nice to sit in the congregation for a change...
and the youth did a great job.

We had Hamburgers, Baked Beans and Potato Chips for our Sunday Dinner.
Cake and Jello for Dessert.

Lanny went back out to play in the Kubota and I just went outside. I looked for eggs around the yard but didn't find any. I hope that the feathered friends will forget about the snake and start laying their eggs in the nest boxes where they belong :-)

The potatoes are growing fast...the small baskets may be a mistake :-)
This is a learning situation...

So, Lanny is back and in the shower...I am watching the end of another Star Trek and then we will watch the end of the first Lord of the Rings...we didn't make it thru last night. We just cannot help it...we get sleepy by 8/8:30 :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless America 

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