Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, May 19

Quiet Time.....

“I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9:1‬

Warm... love it!

Study time with the usual crew...

Dad got up around 5 and took his coffee and donut back to his desk :-)
After our study time I took care of the beds, gave Dad his medicine, fed the fur kids and headed outside...

...and found our little possum friend. He seems to be blind and deaf or just totally unphased by people...but as I coaxed him away he ran into the coop...I do believe he is ill. SO... we easily caught him and put him in the crate. I called Little Ponderosa and they said to bring him right down. They will let me know how he is when they check him out. He was so cute. But he was covered with ticks. 

In my haste I nearly forgot to photograph the eggs!

Lanny had trash to burn...

When we got to Ponderosa we met some ostrich... and traded calls with the peacocks...

Casey was soaking up the sun...

The wisteria is just about to open...

Water lilies are in bloom...

These two were cooing and cuddling in the corner and I have no idea what was on their mind...

Murphy didn't feel well this morning...he didn't eat his, he DID eat his supper so he is fine, just a little under the weather this morning :-)

We ran down the hill at 1 to pick Sadie up at the Bus Stop...

Sadie and Papaw went fishing...She brought her new fishing pole and tackle box...

I made Chicken and Gravy over Rice (the chicken was left over from last night), and Green Beans (also left over) and Home Made YUMMY brownies...

Lanny mowed our yard before he left for church...

Sadie visited the horses while she waited for Shelby to pick her up...

Nathaniel is working hard on his camper...

Paula working in her yard
... :-)

Robbie is grilling steaks, roasting corn on the cob and steaming potatoes and broccoli... if I wasn't so full I'd join them :-)

Dad is enjoying the warm evening...

...and so was Max.

I put the chicks and ducks to bed, cleaned the water features, set a new trap for the remaining raccoon.

I am in my jammies, finishing this post and watching another Star Trek...
Lanny will be home too late for us to watch a movie.

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams...
God bless America!!

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