Quiet Time...
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23
then I made beds, took care of Mom and Dad's meds and morning rituals :-)
I put one of the chickens we processed into the InstantPot for weekly broth and meat...
then headed outside...
Paula brought her trash over and we tried for ten minutes before we could start that fire... the garbage was a bit damp :-)
Lanny and I are still a bit under the weather so we sat down while the chicken was cooling...he likes taking chicken off the bones (and nibbling some along the way)...
the pups like it when we sit down...
Fed Mom and Dad, Paula and Lanny some Ramen made with the fresh broth and some of the chicken pieces,,,
I fed the fur kids...
For supper I made some of my little Mimi Pizzas...only today I used some left over burger buns instead of my bread.
I am in my Jammies watching Star Trek (as usual, when Lanny isn't home).
No movie tonight ....
Goodnight Y'all...
God Bess...
Sweet Dreams...