Monday, September 13, 2021

A Day in the Life / Monday, September 13

Quiet Time...

“And the Lord will be King over all the earth. On that day the Lord will be One and His name One.”

‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭14:9

Prayer and Bible Study Time...

With all the Study Buddies...

even Max...

Fed the fur kids about 6, made beds and all that stuff and headed outside...
it was very foggy!

Two duck eggs and later three chicken eggs...

The gourds are getting really big and really heavy!

Lanny getting everything ready to go out and cut up some fallen trees on the property...
Danny is coming up to help...

Took Dad to his pulmonary doctor at 10.
Came home long enough to have some lunch...
left over hamburgers.

I sat down with the fur babies for about 15 minutes...

Then we headed down for Dad's 1:00 appointment at the dermatologist.
The doc took a big wort thing off his right temple.
And we headed back home...
Just in time to feed the fur kids...they were waiting at the door for me :-)

Lanny "cooked" dinner tonight...he went down to Domino's Pizza and brought home two medium Extravaganza pizzas...YUM!! We ate all of it!

So I cleaned up the paper plates :-) and headed out to put the chicks and ducks to bed.
I am finishing this post waiting for Lanny to shower.
Still watching The Chosen.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless the USA
Sweet Dreams!

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