Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, September 12

Quiet Time...

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:12‬

The Lord's Day... Prayer and Study time...

Mitzi is praying :-)

I finished up a bit early today since it's Sunday...
the dogs wanted to eat at 5:45 but I made them wait until 6 :-)

Made the beds, filled the condiment dispensers, got the salad ready and then fed the dogs.
Ran outside right before daybreak...

Two duck eggs but only one chicken egg later...

Our little girl Sunday School Class :-)

The choir sang today, first time in 16 months...
it was SO moving.
Bruce sang "I Bowed on My Knees"...
I nearly sobbed, it was so beautiful!!

We had Hamburgers for lunch... Rob and Molly had lunch with someone from their church...

Lanny and I rested for at least an hour...
our Sunday afternoon nap!!

A big bee on the Obedient Plant!

One little olive chicken egg...

Lanny left for church around 3:30 and I went out and cleaned the "cold" swimming pool. We are going to have to cover it soon. The days are hot but the nights are cool so it cools down too much for the delicate sensitivites of this family :-)

I put the chicks and ducks to bed and watered the potted plants in the back yard. I also backwashed the pond.

Tomorrow will be a busy day...Dad has two doctors appointments...
I'll watch a few more Star Trek episodes and we will probably get to bed as soon as Lanny gets home.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless the USA!
Sweet Dreams

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