Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, September 19

Quiet Time...

“You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:114‬

Prayer and Study Time...

5:45 I started my morning chores a little early...
it's Sunday. 
Even tho I don't go in quite as early now (I leave about 8:45 instead of 7:45), I still have lots to get ready for Sunday's meal.

Went outside just a little early as well, so I was working under the motion light...
Skies were cloudy...

Two duck eggs...three chicken eggs later in the morning...

Decided to burn the trash in the barrel before I left...

I love these little jewels...

We had a great Sunday School Class and the Worship Hour was blessed, as usual...
got home about 12:30...

We had Sloppy Joes, Salad, and Chips for our Sunday Dinner...
And Bread Pudding for Dessert.

After lunch Lanny and I took a long Siesta :-)

He went back to church early.
I went out and took care of the chickens and ducks.

I'm in my jammies watching another Star Trek Episode...
No movie tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
God Bless America...
Sweet Dreams

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