Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, September 8

Quiet Time...

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:7‬

Bible Study Time...

With our Bible Study Buddies...

And then, it's 6 AM...
Let's Roll!

Two duck eggs, and later, two chicken eggs...

Look at the koi...still a blur because he moves so fast...

Max LOVES Mom's room....
he spends a LOT of time in there. Fortunately, for him, she doesn't mind :-)

Making a whole wheat and white Artisan Loaf...

And started a new batch of white bread...

This is the initial mix...
I'll show the rise in a bit...

Luke is keeping watch at Paula's front door :-)

Lanny is burning out in the field...

And Paula and I are burning in the barrel out back...

Then we set the wood scraps ablaze in the fire pit...

Mums that Shelly brought me last year...

Rise after one hour...

Paula is weed eating...

And Lanny is mowing...

Lanny is taking a trip to the dump and to get gasoline for the mowers and weed eaters..

Rise after two hours and ready to put into the refrigerator...

Baked and ready to eat!!

For lunch I made some little pizza's...

After lunch Lanny and I sat down for just a few minutes before we had to go after Sadie...

We headed down the hill to pick up Sadie at the bus stop at 1.

When we got home I made some banana bread...

Sadie loves working at the table...
today was origami :-)

We had Breakfast for Dinner:
Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Biscuits, Gravy, and Waffles...

I was so involved in making the waffles that I didn't take pictures...
first time I have forgotten to do that!

Anyway, it was really good :-)

Lanny went to church for Wednesday service.
I put the chicks and ducks to bed and ran out to see Sadie's new kitten.
Shelby brought her up when she came to pick Sadie up.

I am in my Jammies and watching Star Trek as I finish this post.
No movie tonight. Lanny will be later than usual because they are setting up sound for the choir. We will have choir again after a year and a half!

So, Goodnight Y'all and
God Bless!!

Sweet Dreams

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