Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, September 9

Quiet Time...

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:37-38‬


Prayer and Study Time...

6 AM clock in...

It's still dark so I do the inside things first...make beds, give Dad his meds, feed the fur kids and whatever else needs done...

Like making some wheat bread for Nolan... Molly is going to mail it to him in New York (he is starting college there) because he loves Mimi's Wheat Bread :-)

When I work in the kitchen I REALLY make a mess!!!

Bread is rising so I head outside...


Waiting patiently (ha!)...

Two duck eggs and later two chicken eggs...

Made another batch of the wheat artisan dough...

Went out the barn side and caught Luke napping...
he must have worked mighty hard last night :-)

Ran over to say hi to Paula...
her fur kids like me :-)

Nolans bread is baking in the oven...

I made ham and melted cheese on my sourdough artisan bread for lunch and then Lanny and I went out to start identifying and cataloging plants and trees. I want to start making herbal medicines again and find out what is edible around here :-)
When we got into the MULE there was a little visitor on the steering wheel...
just wanted to say Hi!
Pretty little green snake!!

Beautiful Spider Web!

We have an app on the phone that identifies the plants very well.
We had a really fun time out in the woods together :-)
...and we interrupted two stick insects having a sweet discussion...

For dinner I warmed up the left over Chicken and Stewed Potatoes and added Spinach and a Salad...

After dinner Lanny picked up the puppy landmines and mowed the back yard...

I put the chicks and ducks to bed and cleaned and filled all their water sources.

Waiting for Lanny to shower and then we will settle down to watch a movie...
not sure what that will be. He is the movie man.
I'll let you know :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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