Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday in the Woods, November 24

Quiet Time...

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭28:7‬

Well, even if the solstice doesn't yet agree, it is WINTER!!

Dad wanted a piece of turkey with his coffee this morning...
as well as his donuts :-)

The usual Bible Study mornings with my pack...

After study time, making the beds, setting out Mom and Dad's medicine, feeding the fur kids and doing some kitchen things...
I headed out to the birds...
still very COLD!!

More frost pretty, in their own way...

Even the sky looks COLD!

One lone duck egg... but thankful for even one a day...

They love their corn scratch...

Made my quarterly laundry detergent today...I sometimes use my homemade lye soap,  or Zote or Fels Naptha along with the Borax and works great and is VERY economical...

You melt the shredded soap in about a gallon of water, add the soda and borax (1/2 cup each) when you take it off the heat, and it gels as it cools...

Lasts us for three or four months...

Lanny cleaned the 22 pound turkey carcass this morning...
we will have some nice slices for tomorrow's Thanksgiving, Round 2, and I also made some delicious turkey salad for our lunch today...

We didn't get to take a snooze because the bath nurse came to give Dad a shower. But that's OK... we can miss one now and then :-)

I was out filling water buckets and Paula was mowing the drive...
not for grass, for leaves!
Easier than raking and they get mulched!

Dad coming in for dinner...the physical therapy nurse had just left after wearing him plumb out!!!

We had French Toast Casserole, Homemade Syrup, Bacon and Sausage and Orange Juice...

Full and ready to snuggle on the couch...
the puppy piles are picked up, the chicks and ducks are asleep, the kitchen is clean, so are we and we are in our Jammies...

Watching some old Star Trek movies this week. Monday night was Generations and tonight we will watch First Contact...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless you real good!!
We love you and Sweet Dreams...

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