Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving on the Farm... November 25

Quiet Time...

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”

‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16:34‬ 


Dad went to bed around 10 last night and actually stayed there til 4... I am hoping that the thyroid medicine is helping him. It should help with his internal thermostat as well. He is always so cold but that seems to be a bit better. He is also so much surer on his feet and stronger. Day by day. God is good...

Not as cold this morning...

Had our usual study buddies...
have I told you how much I LOVE mornings with the pack?!

Even had the feline buddy...

After study time, around 6, I made the beds, set out Mom and Dad's medicine, refreshed Dad's coffee and fed the fur kids... I also did a few things in the kitchen in preparation for todays Thanksgiving Dinner, Round 2... then headed outside to tend the chickens and ducks...

Willie and his ladies...

My one duck egg...

I sometimes to draw pictures in the chicken lot with the scratch grains...if they will get out of the way and give me a chance... they love scratch! especially on cold mornings. Corn warms them up!

They also love the lettuce I throw out from the garden...

Went out early to give the horses a carrot or two...If I wait til they are out in the pasture they argue with each other and I don't want to get in the middle of a horse argument!


I give them baby carrots...


Takoda is young and tends to snatch the goodies from my hand but Dandy is gentle. He is a sweetie...

Bye Bye Boys...
Gotta get busy...


I finished up the calendars for Christmas. Every year I take photos from the year (or old ones if I want to be sentimental) and make personal calendars for each person. I got a late start this year because we were all sick and I was afraid that I wouldn't get them done. I didn't get to take the time I'd like to but they turned out pretty good! I printed them last week and then today and bound them and cut the hole for hanging. All that is left is to wrap them...

I also decided to put up my little tree...I don't know if you remember but for many years I REALLY decorated for Christmas.. the whole house! It took me days to put it all out. I loved it, but I am just not up to it any more. I will probably add a few things and put out the red throws on the couch.... we do put a few things outside in the common area on the tables and may get a BIG tree to go out there to give us all the spirit. But Christmas isn't about the tree or the is about Jesus... He is the reason for the season :-)

Got a really cute picture of Sylvia Faye today...I don't get to see her as often as I'd like to but I LOVE getting pictures...

I pulled out some chips (round tortilla, veggie chips and wavy potato chips) and the turkey salad from yesterday and we had a light lunch. We will have a big dinner this evening with the traditional Thanksgiving "stuff" so didn't want to load up too much :-)

And then, of course, Lanny and I took our Siesta with the pack...
I was surrounded by warm pups under warm blankets...
two beside me and one in my lap...

And then Maggie and Murphy nearly had an argument over who would be closest...Maggie always wins...

Max loves to lay in his Daddy's lap...not always the most comfortable for the lap :-)
especially if he decides to "fee faw" :-)

Warming up the Thanksgiving leftovers from Tuesday for our Thanksgiving, Part 2....
The works: Turkey, Dressing, Dumplin's, Green Beans, Corn, Baked Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows, Cranberry Salad, Rolls and Pumpkin Cake...

Yum...we are all FULL!!!

Dishes are done, puppy piles are taken care of, chicks and ducks are in bed...
We will clean up and get in our warm Jammies and watch a movie...I think tonight we will stream
Genesis: Paradise Lost about Creation... looks great!

God bless you ALL!!
We are so thankful for our family and our friends.

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams...

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