Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tuesday, Family Night on the Farm... December 21

Quiet Time...

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1:21


Dad wasn't up so I got all his goodies ready and set them out on the table... then settled in for Bible Study... gonna be a busy day...

Study Buddies...

At 6 I fed the fur kids, made the bed, got Dad all situated, did some Family Night prep in the kitchen and then headed out at sunup...

one little duck egg...she is consistent again... hopefully...

The fish slowly cruise thru the water...I have a pond heater that keeps the water right at 45...won't freeze but also won't make them think it's spring :-)

We ate some left over hot dogs for lunch and then settled in for a little snooze before the cooking frenzy begins...

My little burrito buddies...Maggie and Murphy didn't know they were touching..

Mitzi likes to chew on a bone in peace at nap time when the other two are snoozing...

Max joined up after a while...

Getting all the serving dishes ready... soon I will start filling them up...

It's Time!! :-)

I made some video's of us singing and will post them separate...
Sorry this is late in posting...we went right to bed when everyone left and the kitchen was cleaned up... 9 PM is really late for us!!

It was a great Family/Friends night but we still REALLY missed our James and Tasha!!

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