Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday on the Farm... January 25

Quiet Time...

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:1‬ 


Dad's light was off so I got everything together for him: his inhaler, meds, ice water, coffee thermos, cup, socks...

 ...and sat down...

His light came on just as I sat down :-) so I went in and took care of all his morning things as well as heating him a Sausage, Egg and Cheese Biscuit... First Breakfast :-)
THEN, I sat down for Quiet Time... with my pups...

Lanny slept in til after 5... he took some cold medicine last night so it must have worked!

Dad, enjoying his biscuit...
and an early Basketball game...

Max was in his Daddy's spot in the bed :-)

Made the bed, fed the fur kids, decanted the Kefir (milk and water) and started some brownies for tonights dinner...

Headed out at Day Break...
Lanny has some mulch to put down today.
This is NOT a terrible job for him...he LOVES it!!

Yesterday he put it on the trail in my upcoming herb garden.
I will plant the herbs that I grew in pots last year IN the soil this year. 
The will do SO much better!!

My new veggie garden will be where the pool was... you can see the liner still waiting to be hauled off.
Lanny used the pump and the water is nearly gone now so he can probably work with it in the next couple days...

Brownies were smelling up the kitchen when I came back in!

I made Dad and Lanny an Omelet for Second Breakfast...

Brownies are DONE!!
Yum! I crushed potato chips in the batter and then put tiny pretzels on top.
Trust me, it's good! And kinda cute!

Paula and I ran down to the CoOp after second breakfast... first time I have been out for anything but doctor visits in several weeks... I do all my grocery shopping InstaCart and order everything online otherwise...so an hour out in the world with my Sissy was kinda nice. We went to pick up Skippers paw print at the vet, dropped off some information at the drug store for Mom's medicine and roamed around the CoOp getting horse and chicken and duck feed...


Then, for lunch I warmed up the Mexican from Sunday and the Cajun from last night, in the same dish... added some sour cream, cheese and shredded lettuce and I think we have invented a new dish.


Lanny is spreading the mulch everywhere that gets muddy... he refreshed the back yard dog area and also the chicken and duck lot...

...as well as the drive...

I am making some Cabbage, Black Eye'd Peas, Carrots and Ham soup...
New Years Dinner in a single pot!!
Family Night tonight!

Lanny headed down the hill to pick up Sadie at the bus stop and bring her up for the evening.


Very small gathering for Family/Friends Night...
...some sick, some working, out of town...

Sadie's blonde hair...

I am bushed! No movie tonight.
Straight to bed...

Have not heard from the infusion center yet or to schedule the appointment for the MRI... but at least Mom has had a couple days rest :-)
We did start the first dose of the antibiotic for the other bacteria (besides the E.coli) today... hopefully that will give her a little relief. 

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams and God bless!!

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