Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday in the Hills... August 12

I don't know how I missed sharing these pictures yesterday!

"Mimi's Barber Shop" was open :-)
I cut Dad and Lanny's hair.
Daddy wanted his just "GONE" he said, so I used the clippers on him... easy!!

Lanny likes a scissor cut :-)

That dark hair was Dads!

Daddy didn't get up until nearly 6 this morning...
so I got everything ready and then sat down with my Pack
for Bible Study and 

Quiet Time...

"forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye." 

Colossians 3:13 KJV

Max and Mitzi were mighty comfortable again,
so I did my other morning things 
and then called them in for breakfast before I snuck in to make the bed :-)

Chicken and Duck time!!

Their feeders are under this little awning.
It rains so much and so suddenly and this keeps their feed dry...

Willow laid one either late or very early!

And Gabby put hers on the clean coop floor today!
Penny laid one later right in the doorway...

Lanny brought the mowers back to tackle the back yard!
This rain makes it thick and tall and perpetually WET!!

He even had to repair the trimmer!
But he got it done!!

Mitzi is nearly 12 and spends most of her time 
doing what a lot of older ladies would like to do :-)

Maggie on the other hand, only 9, is just down right lazy!!

And Murphy is simply "CUTE"!!

Casey is obsessed with the Nylabones...
and food!

While Lanny was mowing the feathered kids hung around the gate...
that trimmer is very loud and throws stuff everywhere!

This is Opal...
she is a very attractive young lady hen!
And she seems to be doing well...
much better than I thought after she lost her sister Amber!

Made Dad and Lanny some Eggs, Sausage and Toast 
for  8 o'clock Breakfast...

Also made more Graham Crackers...
we ate the first batch up FAST!!

I think I baked these a minute too long however...
they are a bit crispy.
I like them with a bit of crisp but not too hard.
I'll cut back the time on the next batch...

Sugar and Opal...

Occasionally the eggs are very unique...
should I say "strange"...
I think you can see the designs on this shell :-)

Sadie sent some pictures of her and Sylvie...
she is with her Daddy on Friday's
and Sylvia often spends the night as well...
Sylvie LOVES her Aunt Sadie!!

I made Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for lunch and afterwards Lanny and Dad ran down to Willow Ridge to get some mushroom mulch... 
we didn't have good luck with the pool area garden this year and I know it is because the soil needs some tender loving care... we will mulch with the mushroom, bring over some horse manure (we have PLENTY of that!), some bark mulch and more soil and next spring it should be much better!!

We didn't rest after lunch because they wanted to go after the mulch, 
but as soon as they got home 
Lanny and I settled down on the couch for our afternoon Siesta...
all the fur kids joined us :-)

After our Siesta I baked a French Toast Casserole...
I love these. SO easy to make and freeze 
in smaller portions to serve as a quick breakfast for Dad and Lanny.
OR, as a Breakfast for Dinner treat...
Here is the recipe:

They rarely eat this time of year...
they dive bomb each other from all directions.
SO entertaining!

For Supper we had Panko Breaded Chicken Breast, Sweet Potatoes 
(done to perfection in my Granny's pressure cooker!!), Green Beans, Cinnamon Applesauce and my "too crispy" Graham Crackers... I am going to make a Banana Pudding with these (that will soften them up) 
and make some more the RIGHT WAY!!! :-)
The first ones were perfect!!!
Amazing what one measly minute too long can do!!

Kitchen is clean,
yard is picked up,
we are in our night clothes
and Lanny is figuring out what will be on the big screen tonight...
I'll let you know tomorrow...

Goodnight Y'all,
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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