Sunday, August 14, 2022

"Son"Day on the Mountain... August 14

Quiet Time...

“The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; 
he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23:24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Dad was not up this morning...
he didn't get up until about 5!

But I was ready for him when he did...
except for his Breakfast Burrito.
But that only took a couple minutes :-)

Then I settled back down with my Pack...

I had to make the bed AROUND Max...
he just wouldn't budge :-)

Decanted Sparkley...
Berries for the Birds...

Fed the fur kids and headed out back...

Gabby egg in a deep hole nest in the coop floor...

Opal and Bucky...

Took Dad a Cake Donut for his Second Breakfast...
Lanny was already at the church setting up for the service...
Murphy was hoping for a clumsy crumb :-)

Coconut egg...

For our Sunday Lunch I made a "Pot Luck Taco Casserole".
It is a super easy recipe that will feed a bunch... you can half the recipe for 4 or 5, double it for 16. You bake it ...

...and then decorate it with the sour cream, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cheese...
Here is the recipe:

We celebrated Robbie's Birthday number 52! 
It is actually tomorrow but this is our scheduled get together:-)

We were practicing writing backwards...
go figure...

Then nap time...

Today is Lanny's long day at church.
He had to go back around 3 to set up for choir practice.
He will be home around 7:30...

Willow, Opal, Sugar and Goldie...
AND, Penny laid one under the deck.
I didn't have my camera when I crawled up under there to get it!!
But that made 7 eggs today!!!

Made Daddy some Chicken Noodle Soup for his "Supper"...

And Mom had Peanut Butter and Crackers in her Suite...

They yard is picked up...
the chicken feed is stored...
I am in my Jammies 
and will watch some Star Trek :-)

I may also read some more 
from my Canning and Homesteading Books...
I LOVE this stuff!!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us, Every One!!
Sleep Tight!!!

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