Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday in the Wood... August 10

Quiet Time...

“that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:25-27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Daddy was up...

Fixed him a couple Sausage Biscuits 
and got him all situated and comfortable...

Then I got comfortable with my pack!

Finished up, as usual, around 5:45...
Moved Max off the bed :-)

Mitzi was comfortable on the futon so she didn't have to be disturbed :-)

Max, of course, went to his Daddy's arms...

Decanted the Sparkley and sat the berries aside for the chicks...

Paula brought home some ground beef she found on sale at Food City yesterday.
I will lightly brown it and then can it this morning...

Fed the fur kids and headed out to the chickens and ducks...

Soldier Fly Grubs and excited birds!!

Well, as you know, there were no duck eggs yesterday or today in the coop.
That is because they are laying them between my Camelia and Rosemary :-)

Dirty, muddy duck eggs!!

6 pints of ground beef ready for the canner...

Casey sticks pretty close to the kitchen when I am cooking...

Lanny absolutely HAD to mow today. It has rained every day for a week 
and the grass has grown a foot!!!
It was hard and heavy work but he got the back yard mowed!!

Lanny had eaten some cereal and yogurt earlier
and didn't want Second Breakfast, but Dad did... 
I made him some French Toast Sticks...

All done, and all of them sealed!!

So, a new adventure begins.
This is my Grandma's Pressure Cooker.
I have had it for awhile but just never really got into pressure cooking...
That is a thing of the past now!
I am going to give it a go!!



OK, so I "baked" potatoes in the cooker...
10 minutes and they were delicious...

So delicious that I opened them up, put a blob of butter, a dab of sour cream 
and some sprinkles of cheese 
and we had "Baked Potatoes" for lunch... 

And then, after the mornings excitement we needed a NAP...

I also made some Lentils in the Pressure Cooker.
They too are DELICIOUS!
I put them in the fridge and will put them over rice tomorrow.
I already had pintos on the menu for tonight, 
but I am having so much fun I had to try something else in the canner...

For Supper we had Pintos, Stewed Potatoes (I usually do Fried but I wanted to try taters in the pressure cooker :-)), Greens (Spinach and Kale from our early spring garden), Cornbread and a Cucumber, Tomato and Sour Cream dish (also from my and Paula's garden). We didn't get much this year but did get an occasional treat :-)

It rained again, but we did manage to get out there 
and pick up the pup piles and put the chicken feed away between showers!

We watched Grease last is such a fun movie.

Tonight we are going to watch Thirteen Lives, 
the true story about the boys and their soccer coach 
that were trapped in a cave in Thailand... should be good!

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless America,
God bless you,
Sweet Dreams!!

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