Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday on the Hill... August 9

Quiet Time...

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; 
fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Dad was up and waiting :-)

Made him a Breakfast Burrito this morning
to go with his usual fare...

Lanny got up pretty much with me 
so we sat down together to enjoy the predawn Quiet Time...
I open the door so we can hear the frogs.... the "jar flies" are starting to sing a bit 
and the train whistles are frequent up here... LOVE IT!!

Finished up at 5:45...
made the bed,
and fed my furry children...

...then at dawn I headed for the chicken and duck coop...

Gabby and Penny...

It wasn't supposed to rain yesterday...
so we got nearly an inch :-)

Made Dad and Lanny an Egg, Bacon and Cheese Omelet and Toast...

I sure miss the chocolate brown Maran eggs, 
but this color scheme is still very nice :-)

Made some Pork Loin Salad Sandwiches for lunch...
I had some sliced pork loin in the freezer so I thawed it, processed it in the Ninja, added mayo and served it on toasted bread... Mom can't chew pork chops or loin very well, but she has no trouble when I chop it up in the processor... it really is delicious!!

Then Lanny and I did what we nearly always do after lunch...
took our nap :-)

Max joined us today...

Took the chickens out some cool cucumber slices...
cools them off a bit... 
I also gave some to the turtles...

Goldie and Coconut laid their eggs today...
didn't get a pic of Coconuts.
Also, didn't find any duck eggs this morning...
interesting... I hope they aren't buried in the pine flakes...

I also got a Willow egg later, but still no duck eggs...

Fed the fur kids their supper...

And Paula made Spaghetti and brought it over for our supper...
she makes YUMMY spaghetti and I told her 
I think she should be in charge of all future spaghetti dinners !!

Pup piles are picked up.

Chicken feed is safely stored for the evening...
Lanny is in the shower...

Tonight we will watch Grease in honor of Olivia Newton John.
She seemed to be such a genuine sweet soul...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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