Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday in the Hills ... October 27

Quiet Time...

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, 
so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬ 


Daddy was up and waiting...
I made him a Breakfast Toaster Pastry thingy...

Murph and Mags...
what else is new...

Daddy had his Maxey and Mitzi...

Max likes to hold hands...

This is from the coop cam this morning...
first crow is Bucky, the second deep crow is Big Roo :-)

Sparkley Day...
Berries for the birds...

Out to play with the flock...
REALLY a flock now...
14 hens and 2 roosters!!!
Hope they didn't kill each other during the night.
Actually, they went in to the coop on their own last night (as they should) 
and I had no trouble at all...
What a relief!

I went out a bit early so they wouldn't all be down off the roosts 
and in a position to start fighting...
They took their time getting "out of bed"...

The new hens picked this roost...
our original girls probably got on their usual high roost quickly 
to make their point...

Big Roo...
he is quite Handsome!!

For the most part they have stuck to their own "family"...
our original group and the new ones. The occasional mingles usually start a bit of an argument but nothing serious. Bucky and Big Roo had several pretty intense discussions but no bloodshed and most of the day since they just avoid each other...

Made Dad and Lanny Egg, Ham and Cheese Omelets and Toast.

Mom just wanted toast and jelly...

Most of the day I have been going out every few minutes to check on them and take them something yummy... They get to know you quicker that way... 
Treat motivated!!

This is a Barred Rock...

A Sussex...

Buff Orpington....

An Easter Egger...

Copper Maran...

The other Barred Rock...

The other Maran...

The other Easter Egger...

Big Roo!
He is Barred Rock and something else :-)

Rhode Island Red...

The Sussex Twins...
Suzie and Sassy

Gabby was entertaining us all...
she can swim from one side to the other completely under water!!!

They found the garden...
new members of the Compost Crew...

Three nest boxes and they all want in one...
we've had 6 eggs so far today!!!

Egg Song!
Rhoda laid her first egg on the Lewis Farm!


Made some Ham Salad out of the ham we had the other day...
YUMMY Sandwiches!

I just can't stay away from the chickens!!

I took them out some Soldier Fly Grubs...
I froze some during the peak summer hatch...
they LOVE 'em... live or dead :-)

They love the coop...
I am SO glad!!

Another Egg Song?

Two more eggs...

Isn't he majestic!

Max is fascinated by the new chickens...
they don't pay him any mind.
I am sure that at the zoo they saw LOTS of different animals!!

Another egg...
so far light browns and white,
Hopefully the two Easter Egger Pullets will lay blue or green.
They are still too young to lay...

Lanny worked on the fence all day and taking down the deck...
Our garden area just keeps growing!!!

Lanny stopped by Food City on his way home from Tractor Supply 
and picked up some fried chicken!!
I added a salad and some home canned green beans and potatoes 
and biscuits!!!

Chores are done...
Jammies are on...
we watched Stargate last night...
Starman tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
We love you loads!
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

“Give it to God and go to sleep.”

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