Saturday, December 31, 2022

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... December 31

Quiet Time...

"For I know that my Redeemer liveth, 
and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:" 
Job 19:25 KJV
Mom slept thru the night...she actually didn't buzz me until around 5!
Dad was up so I made him a couple Sausage Biscuits...

And then sat down with my pack until Mom buzzed...
last morning of 2022... Last 4 chapters of Revelation...

Mitzi even joined us...

One more day of black out for the Salad Blend.
I need to do a couple new trays today or tomorrow...

These will be ready to harvest tomorrow...

Lettuce is doing very well...

This is the January page of the new 2023 calendar...
I did a fade behind the calendar grid so it's hard to see in a picture
 but that is me and Lanny and Mom with our friends Janie and Johnny 
at last years Christmas Eve service at Calvary...

Sparkley and Berry day...

Flock and Fluffle Time...

And in spite of 6-8 inches of solid ice this last week
on the top of this pond 
it seems that the fish are ALL fine!!!



And Violet...
they are nearly double the size 
they were when we brought them home...

The chickies like having warm water...

Made Dad and Lanny some Eggs, Sausage and Toast...

And started on some Shortbread Cookies...

After the "batter" is all mixed it has to chill in the fridge for a couple of hours 
before making into the cookies... it is 3 sticks of butter....

Grilled Cheese for lunch....

And a little snooze afterwards...

I don't really make New Years Resolutions 
but usually try to do something positive to start it off...
I have been sorting and purging all week... closets and drawers.
I am so busy with Mom and Dad 
and I really need to have less incidental stuff going on in my life.
... you know, things that I always need to clean or neat up 
or put away that aren't necessary...
SO, I have several bags ready for KARM and more to go.
Actually, I was hanging on to a few really cute dancy outfits from our dancing days...
not that I can't still wear them (I am serious!)
but a 70 year old woman in spaghetti straps, sequins 
and skirts that hit WAY above the knees is not a sight anyone wants to behold :-) Anyway, I have gathered them up for our Granddaughter Rayne. 
She is just the right size. If she doesn't want them I will have at least offered them before they head to KARM's as well..
My closet hangers are loose and it's airy and I can see everything...
Feels GOOD!!!
Anyway, I am hoping to really clear out 
a LOT of clutter stuff that I don't need.

After the batter set up in the fridge
 I baked a dozen of the Shortbread Cookies...
VERY good and VERY light.
Not sweet at all.
That really is a positive thing :-)

Then I rolled all the rest of the batter and put it on a sheet to freeze.
When they are well frozen I will put them in a big ziplock bag and when I want a few cookies I can just grab as many as I want and bake... 
I have done this forever when I make cookies. 
I don't like to bake them all at once 
because we will either eat too many or they get a little stale. 
This way they are fresh and yummy 
and I can split it up over weeks and even months!!

Oh, I am making some ad lib soup. 
I took out a bag of my freeze dried rice and hydrated it 
(in about 10 minutes) and it tastes like it just came out of the rice cooker 
after an hour and a half cooking time... 
I am SOLD on freeze dried rice, for sure!!! 
So far everything I have dried is turning out really good...

The soup turned out Yummy!!!

Hoping someone dropped something...
didn't happen...

Chores are done...,
I am in my Jammies, er, 
my New Years Eve outfit :-)
We have BIG plans.
Gonna sit on the couch with our fur kids 
and watch Episode 2 and 3 of the Chosen Season 3...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
Here's to a fabulous NEW YEAR!!!
Everyone says it has to be better than 2022 but 
God is good all the time...
and all the time God is good...

He has everything under control and 
nothing that happened this year took Him by surprise...
Same goes for next year.
He's got our back!!!
We are safe in His Everlasting Arms...

Be safe tonight 
if you are out and about...

God Bless!!!

"Write it on your heart 
that every day is the best day in the year.” 
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday on Walden's Mountain ... December 30

Quiet Time...

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: 
I will guide thee with Mine eye." 
Psalm 32:8 KJV
Mom buzzed three times in the night...
she started around 10:30 
so that tends to be a little more disruptive to my sleep...
the last time was at 3:15... 
another early start and no need to go back to bed for 30 minutes...
I am tired today :-)

Dad was up...
Made him a Breakfast Burrito...

My two pups on the same side...touching :-)

Two trays in Black Out...

Mitzi enjoying her futon...

Had to move Max to make the bed...

Mom usually starts her "day" around 6:30 to 7:30...
I make her a Boost Milkshake 
and a bowl of prunes, bananas and grapes...
Yes, that is a Sippy Cup.
It works marvelously for elderly.
She can drink laying down, sitting up, and NEVER spills it...

Flock and Fluffle time...

Made the men a Bacon, Pepper, Onion Omelet
and homemade Cinnamon Roll...

Then the Barber Shop opened...
Daddy wanted a buzz...

Lanny wanted me to leave a little more on his head :-)

Made some Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches for lunch
with the left over chicken we had the other night...
Then Lanny and I sat down for a little rest...

Dad and Lanny went down to Tractor Supply after their naps 
to pick up another heated Rabbit waterer... 
hopefully we won't need it right away... 
it was really a nice temperature out here this afternoon!!

Three eggs today!

AND, I saw some orange movement thru the ice... 
at least some of the fish are ok :-)

Shelly brought the chickies some cabbage slaw and the LOVED IT!!!
She often brings them produce that is a little past its prime.
Perfect for them!!!

Mom joined us tonight...

We had Popcorn Shrimp, Fish Sticks, 
Green Beans and Potatoes and Yams!

The big rooster loves to come into the back yard. 
He jumps the fence nearly every day.
We usually just go out and herd him toward the gate.
Well, all three of the dogs spotted him just now 
and chased him all over the back yard.
They mind pretty good and when we scolded them loudly they backed off 
so I was able to herd him to the gate. 
I hope he learned something.... 
he lost a few feathers during the chase!! :-)

Chores are done...
Lanny is in the shower.
We will watch the second National Treasure tonight.
I read that they are finally going to make a third one.
Nicolas Cage is getting older but I guess it could still work :-)

Goodnight Ya'll...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

"True silence is the rest of the mind, 
and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, 
nourishment and refreshment." 
-William Penn


Friday on the Mountain... March 28

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... 🍃🧹 ““Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water...