Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday on Walden's Mountain... March 11

Quiet Time...

"Set your affection on things above, 

not on things on the earth." 

Colossians 3:2 KJV
Rise and Shine!

Dad eating his Sausage Biscuits 

and Casey begging for a bite :-)

Surrounded by my fur babies...

And my Honey!

Microgreens are happy...

everything in order...

I will start a new tray today...

The corn and spinach is finished freeze drying 

and ready to package...
after it defrosts I will put in carrots, 

mixed veggies and some goat cheese!!

Flock, Fluffle and Fin time...

Sparkley Day...

if you don't know what it is or how to make it 

I will link my Homemaking blog here...

And as you know, the chickies like the berries!

Harvesting some greens...

And giving the roots to the chickies...

another treat that they seem to really like!

Made the men an Egg Sandwich for breakfast...

Lanny likes the Microgreens sprinkled on top of his egg...

Prepped some bell peppers 

for the next batch in the freeze dryer.

I will freeze the trays in the regular freezer 

and then put into the freeze dryer tomorrow...

And the birds love this too!

A couple more...

So far, this makes 7...

Haven't shown you the barn greenhouse lately...

And Horseradish...

Cleaned the hutches...



Hard to see, but this is Willow 
guarding whatever is under her...

Lanny is still working on the deck removal...
getting close...

Yuk Chuk Time!!

This is what Willow was hiding :-)
turned out to be more eggs...
so we ended up with 9 but the day isn't over...

Taking a picture of Lanny taking a picture of the chickens !
We don't really like our chickens (hahaha)...

Fish Sticks, Mac and Tomatoes and Greens for Supper...

Chores are done...
Time to get into our Jammies...

Amadeus didn't have sound so we watched Good Will Hunting...
Lanny took Amadeus back today and I will reorder...
we really like it and want it in our library...

Continue to lift up Mom and Dad.
He wasn't really aware of how bad she is until yesterday.
...he has gone in there several times a day to say "I love you"...
and she says it back :-) 
He can't hear her but he can read her lips...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God bless us Every One!
Sweet Dreams...

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Saturday on Walden's Mountain... June 29

Quiet Time...   🌎🌿 “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him.” Deuteronomy 33:12 “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, fo...