Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Wednesday on Walden's Mountain... July 5

Quiet Time...

"Then saith He unto His disciples, 
the harvest truly is plenteous, 
but the labourers are few; 
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, 
that He will send forth labourers into His harvest." 

Matthew 9:37-38 KJV


Good Morning Wednesday!

Cuddle Buddies...

Waiting for her Daddy...
he came in right after this to join us...

No Changes
in the Microgreen Garden Room...

Except Growth :-)

I will harvest the two small trays 
on the right for orders today...

Out to the Barnyard...

And to a sick Willie...
He was crying and in pain.
I called all over to try to find a mobile vet
...everything was closed (it was before 7).
But Paula's Equine vet thought it might be urinary 
and sure enough...
I massaged his belly and loved on him for a long time 
and finally he urinated...
Male goats are prone to stones 
so I will change up their diet a bit 
and make sure I do everything 
to keep this from happening again...
Gave me quite a scare!
I adore this little fella... 

Took care of all the other critters...

All before sunrise!

You can tell he is still not %100 
but he is much better!!

Harvested two small trays...

It was raining 
so there were only a couple of brave hens at first...

Mitzi is enjoying those Chenille pillows!

And Murphy almost disappears into the bean bag!

These two are lovers!
To us and to each other!

Made Dad a left over Corn Dog for lunch...
I made Lanny one too but he was on the phone with AT&T...
like pulling teeth! It was a LONG call..

Fiona is becoming quite the lover now...
finally... she was so very shy at first...

They all want to eat the camera...

For supper I warmed up some frozen left over

All the animals are ready to call it a day
and so am I...

Tonight we will watch our last John Wayne movie
True Grit...

Here is today's video...
the videos are a day behind 
so video's of my sick Willie will be tomorrow...

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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