Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tuesday on Walden's Mountain... July 4

Quiet Time...

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; 
only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, 
but by love serve one another. 

Galatians 5:13 KJV 


Happy Tuesday...

Independence Day!!!

My Cuddle Buddies...
for our Bible Study Hour 
(usually, more like 90 minutes :-))

Only one change today...
This tray is ready for Black Out...

Max is relaxing...
waiting for his breakfast...

Took care of Dad,
the fur kids
and now it's
Out to the Barnyard!

Max surveying his domain...
he is the official
wild rabbit, rat, mouse, mole, 
chipmunk, snake, lizard, 
and whatever else moves out there 

Enjoying some Timothy Grass

Cleaned the hutches...
some pellets, water
and fresh hay...
and they are all set...

The Goats like the Timothy Grass...


The vacuum cleaner!

She quit digging...
I am hoping she will find 
a more suitable nest site 
in some good dirt I am mounding for them...

The Baby Tree Swallows are getting bigger and louder
and their parents are relentless 
if we are anywhere out back...
they are like kamikaze dive bombers
but just not making contact...
thank goodness!

They all came running 
Chickens, Ducks
and Goats!
but Lanny didn't have goodies for them...
just weed eaters...
They were not amused...

These two are best friends...
Baby doesn't seem to mind...
she was hand raised and bottle fed and
I guess she doesn't need the goat attention as much...

Sparkley Day...

Fiona likes the berries...
Willie likes the juice :-)

Lanny is clearing around the perimeter 
of the barnyard...

They nibbled on the grass sticking to the weedeater :-)

Made an Egg, Cheese and Onion Omelet,
Sausage and Toast for the men...

And more Banana Bread for tomorrows orders...

Dad and Lanny headed down the hill
to get fuel for all the machinery...

Bread's done!

The Goat Girls lay behind in the shade
and I guess Willie is keeping guard...
they do this OFTEN...
also, they can keep an eye
on the gate
and on ME!!

I am gathering eggs now in the Goat House...
I really have to watch for them
because if the goats step on them
they are history...
I keep an eye out when I see a hen 
squatting in there...

Made the men
Ham Sandwiches with Chips
for Lunch...
Lanny usually fasts on Tuesday
but he forgot today 
and decided to change days this week...

Making his way around the perimeter...

Let the dogs out for a few minutes...
Mitzi had not yet interacted much with the Goats...
Fiona was fascinated...

Willie is fascinated by Sparkley!!!
He LOVES to lick his Daddy's cup!

Ducks in the Deep Blue Pond :-)

they know what chairs are for :-)

No Grilling Plans for us...
I made Corn Dogs and Fries
and Salad...
for the three of us...

...the day is done...
we will hope and pray that the neighbors down the hill 
have used up all the bombs they bought for the 4th...
They had their big shebang on Saturday 
and it was indescribable!
We heard more last night and the night before 
but they were a little farther away...
You know, we are still in the county
and it is ILLEGAL!
But that doesn't seem to mean anything!!!!

Paula and Shelly are eating Hot Dogs out in the Stalls
and ready to Horse Sit just in case there ARE Fireworks...
It rained a good storm and I had hoped it would last all night...

Anyway, hope your 4th has been fabulous.
I hope that everyone will go and enjoy
 some organized fireworks displays,
but have some sympathy for the veterans 
and the animals that cannot enjoy them
in the residential neighborhoods!

We will watch another John Wayne tonight
"Sons of Katie Elder"
hopefully we won't have to turn it up full blast
to drown out the explosions...

Sorry if I seem so MEAN about fireworks...
I used to like 'em too
until I saw their effect of family and friends with PTSD,
animals large and small that are terrified
to the point of madness...
God Bless America 
(and inconsiderate neighbors :-)
Sweet Dreams!

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