Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday on Walden's Mountain... October 27

Quiet Time...

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again 
unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" 
1 Peter 1:3 KJV
Good Friday Morning Everyone!!!

Maggie under the cover and Mitzi waiting for her Daddy...
My Daddy was up and is now taken care of:
meds, coffee and First Breakfast :-)

Murphy came in and is near my feet under the cover...

Greens are doing as expected...

Lettuce will be pickable in another week or so...

Will harvest these trays today...

Baby lettuce in tray two...

Lanny's "First Breakfast"..
cereal and banana...
He won't eat a big breakfast today because it's Friday
and we will go down the hill for lunch...


The Kids are waiting at the gate...
this was the view on their Goat Cam inside their house...

Out to the Barnyard...

Taking the roots and stems 
out to the chickens and ducks...

Most of the feathered kids love the greens...

This group wanted the corn scratch...

No, she is not dead...
she has fainted.
She was SO excited that I had banana peels 
and fainted dead away!!!
It only lasts a few seconds...

Then she is up like nothing happened...

Lanny is working on burning a cedar stump...
today he noticed it was turning into a
recognizable animal...
can you see it?
Yes, it's a GOAT!
Of course!! :-)

Started two more trays of microgreens today...

Well, today we gave our bunnies to a breeder...
I have not been able to care for them the way I think they should be cared for...
Oh I fed them well, kept their hutches clean, always clean water,
but I had no time to give them more attention...
I know an experienced breeder will be better able to give them all they need.
We SO wanted to breed the meat rabbits and perhaps someday we will try again,
but for now I think I have enough on my plate...

I made Dad's lunch,
then Lanny and I headed down the hill
 to make a couple of deliveries...

We also went to Chili's for lunch...
then to Staples for some labels
and back home...

Doesn't sound like much but to us
it's a DATE!!!

Anytime we can get out together is really nice...
No matter what we do or how long we are gone!!


I have sent Wendy a chicken picture for the last two days...
her husband wanted us to take selfies sending good wishes...
she liked these...

Wendy is the friend that gave us 
our sweet Bucky Rooster 
and she has LOTS of chickens, like me :-)

Gave the kids and chicks some left overs...

She sat in here a long time but did NOT lay an egg...

I did get four chicken eggs and one duck egg today...
I get between 5 and 8 a day right now 
(it will probably go down as it gets colder)...

I made Chicken Melts and Tomato Soup for the men...
I was NOT hungry...
I ate a big burger at Chili's for lunch...

The day is done....
I am ready for Jammies
and some cuddly couch time with my Pack...

We are done with Mission Impossible
(until next week when
"Dead Reckoning" will come...)

So, tonight we will watch
'Olympus Has Fallen",
Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman...

Wendy is still doing great!
There is SO much I could report because the work they did was so extensive... 
but suffice it to say, considering the major and serious nature of her surgery, 
it is a miracle!!! I know your prayers have helped so please continue...

God Bless you ALL!!!
Sweet Dreams!!!

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