Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain... November 6

Quiet Time...

"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. 
Colossians 4:6 KJV
Good Monday Morning!

Dad was up and waiting...
Took him his morning meds and coffee
and a couple Sausage Biscuits...

Then I sat down with my Study Buddies... 

Then at 5:30 it's Microgreen Time...
Two day germination...

...and Lettuce...

Into the Light!

The Sprouted Wheat Berries are dry
and ready to grind...
but I will put them in a jar
and grind them tomorrow...
got lots to do today...

Making some Rolls for my friend Wendy...
she asked if she could buy some breads 
because she cannot do any baking night now...
I said NO, 
but I would give her some :-)
Silly Woman!!!
She is recovering well but slowly...
after all she has been thru it is to be expected!!!!

Out to the Barnyard
to take care of my other Babies!

It's so nice to be loved...
even if it IS for the food :-)

Rolls rising in the warm oven...

Made the Men some Waffles,
Sausage Links and Bananas...

Fiona wasn't interested in Banana Peels today...
she usually loves them...

Rolls are done...
I will take them to Wendy tomorrow 
along with some Banana Bread :-)

These two girls are constantly turning over the lawn chairs...
I put them back up several times a day
and they turn them right back over...

I don't think they like my decorating at all!!!

Lanny is working on a little project for me...
I will share it when it's done...

Robbie is closing in their living room...
to keep it warmer...

For lunch I fed the men some soup from the navy beans, 
pork and potatoes we had a couple nights ago... 
Lanny said it gets better every day...


I had an appointment with an allergist this afternoon
and on my way into town I passed by my favorite drive by's:
The Camels...

And Orea the Bull!!!

I don't know this fella's name...
I need to ask Mary Lou...
The animals belong to 
Little Ponderosa Zoo...
Their pastures are right below 
our Homestead on the Hill...

I had taken an Alka Seltzer Plus Nighttime a couple days ago 
and one of the ingredients will mess up the allergy skin tests 
(I didn't even think about it being an antihistamine...)
so I have to go back in a couple weeks 
and DO NOT take that medicine in the mean time :-)
Went out to say hi to the Barnyard Gang
since I had been gone for a while...

Lanny made me a pretty hanger for my utensils...

Isn't it pretty...

This is an old picture...
they hung on cup hooks before
 and the hooks would get loose and nearly fall off...

But now they are perfect!!!

I went over to Paula's while the men were gone after pizza...
Shelly was here for horse stall duty :-)
When you have animals you have animals...
you just gotta do what cha gotta do :-)

this is Corky, Maggie's brother...
they look SO much alike 
but he is half again bigger than she is 
and has a little less brown on his face...

And Cody... he is adorable...
the third one, Katy, was wrapped up in the blanket
and didn't want her photo taken :-)

It was supposed to take a couple hours at the allergist
so we had already ordered the pizza for 4:00 pickup...
I got out of cooking dinner tonight :-)

I think the Dominos Extravaganza is the BEST!!!

The chores are done,
the goats are in for the night,
the feathered kids are ready to go in 
whenever they want to...
they go in at dusk :-)

Tonight will be the last

Goodnight All!
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

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