Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday on Walden's Mountain... December 4

Quiet Time...

"...but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; 
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; 
they shall run, and not be weary; 
and they shall walk, and not faint." 
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
Good Morning...
Monday, Monday ๐ŸŽถ

The whole pack...
even Max!

Today is my Honey's Birthday!
77, but who'd believe THAT!!!

Ready for Black Out!


Forth Day since I planted this lettuce...

This lettuce is 17 days old...

This is about 5 weeks old...

A little cooler than it was yesterday morning...
but still not too bad...

This little girl has a hurt foot...
we cannot see any injury and she can bend it
but she doesn't put weight on it...
I figure she got run over by a goat!
She is fine otherwise...
she hopped up on this highest roost 
and eats with the best of them...

Pepper loves the goat feed :-)

Made the Men a Fried Duck Egg,
Fried Balogna (Lanny's request),
Toast and Oranges...

The Goat House...
not a goat in sight...
the chickens LOVE it in here!

Hospice is such a great service...
Daddy has an infection in his eye 
and I called them to see if we could get some drops 
and they sent a nurse over... 
it is such a comfort to have that help!!!


Made some cupcakes today...
I freeze them and can take out 
as many as I need for snack or dessert...
I will frost them as needed...

We had Stir Fry for Supper...
Oriental Veggies and Chicken...

I also made some more Sourdough... it tastes pretty good but is NOT very pretty... 
I am still working on it!!! 
The big loaf is 100% freshly ground sprouted wheat 
(I ground it this morning) 
and totally sourdough... not too bad but not perfect :-)
I want perfect!!! :-)
The small white wheat sourdough loaves were delish!
Just small...
I think this recipe 
can make one nice sized loaf next time...

Paula will get her port tomorrow morning...
I will take her over at 8:30...
then she will be ready to start the chemo/radiation treatments 
when they get that all set up...
Keep her in your prayers...
Keep James in your prayers as well...
I am waiting to hear what he finds out this week...
So, tonight is 
Nativity Story...
a favorite!!!
Goodnight Family and Friends!
God Bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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