Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday on Walden's Mountain... May 10

Quiet Time...

“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You. For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You; 
Your right hand upholds me.”

Psalms 63:1, 3, 7-8 

Good Morning Friday!!!

Waiting for me to sit down...

Bible Study Time...
Have I told you lately
that I LOVE it!!!
I especially love when we can open the door
and listen to the water fall and the frogs...
and morning bird song...

Took care of my greens!

Fed the pups
and headed out to the Barnyard Critters...

I think they love me!

And Maggie cannot wait!!!

Bernadette is SO cute...
she is on Lanny's heels
and is first in line for the feeder...

Digging for duck eggs :-)

Sharing :-)

Waiting for Lanny to turn over some wood
so they can look for wigglys!

These are the Baby Bluebirds...
I don't think the two odd eggs hatched...

And this is the Tree Swallow nest...
she would not move 
so I have no idea if she is on eggs
or on babies :-)
Isn't it a pretty nest 
with those white feathers lining it?

And we are SO happy
to have fish again...
and friendly fish to boot!!

Lanny's Egg Muffins
all dressed up!

I made this basket last night...
to hold napkins...

Sparkly Day...

Berries for the critters...

The Kids preferred Animal Crackers today...

Paula and I headed down the hill around 10...
we went to Home Depot for some Pots and Plants...
then to Freddy's for lunch!!!

We went to Food City for some groceries
and then to Willow Ridge
to look at more plants...
we came home with some Monarda...
Bee Balm...
it's pretty AND perennial...
Lanny moved one of the Knock Out Roses
that was in the way by the Breezeway...
Daddy's Memorial...

We will just snack around for supper...
I am full from Freddy's
and Lanny stopped and got his favorite Hot Dog
at the Weigels...

We put the goats up for the night,
put the chicken feed away
and we are ready to get into our evening attire...

Tonights movie will be
"World War Z"
I know we are weird...
but we are weird together :-)

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams...

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Thursday on Walden's Mountain... May 9

Quiet Time...


“Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited.”

Hebrews 13:7-9 


Hello Thursday!

Listening to the rain,
and occasional thunder,
as we have our Bible Study Time...
SO Nice.......

Max was helping his Daddy open the computer...
or trying to keep him from it...
one or the other :-)

Greens Time...

This was early...
we had over 4" before it reset...

Had to put on our rain gear....
it was really coming down...
I didn't take my camera out...

Made some egg muffins...
we like to have them in the fridge
for a quick breakfast...
Lanny dresses it up 
so he can still practice his art!

Working on electrical
in the pole barn...
always something...

Then he saw a big frog
and sent me a picture...
he knows I LOVE frogs!!

Paula's gauge showed 6 inches!!

Working on a decorative spot for Dad's flag
and his foot stone...
We have a double headstone coming 
for them for the hill,
but decided the foot stone from the Navy 
would look nice by his flag...

Lanny hauled off the wood...

He has turkey feathers as deco on his MULE :-)

Gonna grab some gravel to put around the flagpole...


...and Dandy...

We are going to get a couple pots and plants tomorrow,
so I will show you the finished project then :-)

The Barnyard Gang
is happy the rain stopped...
Where is Baby?

She decided, rain or not,
she likes it IN he house...

We may get Displandia like this
to go around Dad's flag...

John is here working on the MULE...

Every time I look out the kitchen window
I think about how much I love my critters
and how adorable they are...
and I just cannot keep from
taking a picture :-)

Lanny went down for the mail...
might as well take a picture of something else I just love...
My Man!!!!

For Supper
we had Butterfly Shrimp,
French Fries, Broccoli,
Sunflower Crunch Salad,
Sliced Onions,

We went out to check for eggs and put the Goats to bed...
found 8 eggs in one corner of the Goat House
and two eggs in the other...
They LOVE laying eggs in the Goat House...
fortunately the girls don't get up into the corners
or it would just be a pile of crushed eggs!!!

Pup Pile Pickup...

So, total eggs for the day...
These girls are on the ball...
or "on the egg"... :-)

Kitchen is clean,
chores are done...

We will watch 
GI Joe #2

Goodnight Family and Friends...
God Bless
Sweet Dreams!

Friday on Walden's Mountain... May 10

Quiet Time... “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land ...