Monday, November 30, 2020

A Day in the Life / Monday, November 30

 Quiet Time...

“For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son,”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:13‬ ‭


Normal routine this's just getting colder, so the outside duck and chicken chores are a little more serious :-)

Lanny had a doctors appointment this morning (which ended up being reschedules AFTER he was already at the office!), so he was gone most of the morning...

I made some No Bake Cookies and put on a pot of spaghetti sauce for dinner. 

It was such a cold and dreary day and I didn't do much of anything did snow a little this evening tho, and that was beautiful! It is still not cold enough to stick but for a few minutes we had the hope...

The ducks seem to love the snow... they just love "wet"!

The chickens are not real concerned either...

I am still seeing hummingbirds...I keep the feeder out there because I read that some adventurous hummers spend the entire winter here and I want to be sure to accommodate them!

We ate spaghetti for supper and now I am full and in my pajama's and ready for popcorn and a movie...not sure what comes after Romeo and Juliet but I will let you know.

Goodnight Y'all...

A Day in the Life / Sunday, November 29

Quiet Time...

“He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins.” - Ephesians‬ ‭1:7‬ 


Took care of all the morning chores: Dad, dogs, ducks, chickens...

Then off to church.

It was a wonderful service as usual...even with all the Covid rules and regulations...

I fixed ChiliMac and cornbread for lunch and Paula and Mom cleaned up so that Lanny and I could go to a funeral...Frank Damiano, the husband of a long time friend. 

Robbie played and sang at both the funeral and the graveside service. Martha is the music teacher in the Oak Ridge Schools (and has been since the boys were in elementary school), and Rob says she is the reason he is so into music. It was only fitting that he be part of the funeral...such an honor.

Lanny had to rush right back out for the evening services and I am in my jammies getting ready to watch another Star Trek episode (or two) until he gets home and we watch "Romeo and Juliet"...we always watch "Shakespeare in Love" and "Romeo and Juliet" in sequence...if you have never seen them together you just need to do it! 

I am ready for popcorn from the snack bar but will wait on my hubby... :-)

Goodnight Y'all!...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Day in the Life / Saturday, November 28

Quiet Time....

“‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.’” - ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬ 


I did my morning chores for Daddy and fed the pups, then let the chickens and ducks out...

Lanny and I ran down to Home Depot really early to pick up a deep black sink and new faucet and when we got back he went straight to work! 

Well, that is, after the cat checked everything out...

Finally, Lanny is allowed to work...

While the plumbers putty dries we ate some leftover burritos for lunch and then took a little Siesta...

He hooked up the water and tightened all the connectors and we are in looks Fabulous!!!

We took a tour around the 64 in the MULE and I don't think we will ever get tired of riding in these hills...

When we got back to the compound we took the pups for a little walk...they LOVE it as much as we do!!

We ate pizza for dinner since we'd had a big lunch, and now we are bathed and in our Jammies and watching "Shakespeare in Love"...

Oh, last night we watched "Secondhand Lions"...

We will probably have some pie and ice cream from the snack bar tonight..

Goodnight Y'all!

Friday, November 27, 2020

A Day in the Life / Friday, November 27

Quiet Time...

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." - Colossians 3:16


Mornings are always pretty up here, even when it's I have said, I can't wait to see some snow!!

Lanny and I went down the hill - NOT for Black Friday! We went to Aldi's and Kroger's for was pretty quiet down there..

We had a bite of lunch and took our after lunch Siesta and he went out to his shop. Dad had a Home Health visit so I hung around for that and didn't do much of anything today...

Always my nap buddy...she is such a big baby!

I promised a few pictures of the decorations...not a lot this year but we may be adding a tree or two out in the common area...keep a lookout for that...

Paula's porch looks so cute and she put silk poinsettia's in the planter up the side of her house...first deco you see when you come up the hill :-)

We had several boxes of decorations between the three houses so we grabbed a few things from each for the open Commons...

The kids always love the reindeer antlers and Santa hats...

The Library...

Some of Mom's favorite decorations...

These place mats have been on our table for nearly 50 years...they say "Rob", "James", "Mom" and "Dad"....

Just a few things in the house...

And my favorite decorations of all...the Three M's
Mitzi, Maggie and Murphy!

It's always SO cute when they all eat at the same time....I am often coaxing Mitzi and Skipper but tonight they enjoyed a little bit of turkey on top of the dog food so they were happy...

We had Mexican for Supper...Do it yourself taco, burrito or whatever...Lanny made guacamole (his secret recipe) and we are all stuffed!

The chickens and ducks are put up for the night and I'm in my jammies waiting for tonights feature film...I am not sure what comes after Secretariat but I'll let you know tomorrow...

Goodnight Y'all!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Day in the Life / Thursday, November 26

Quiet Time...

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation.” - ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100:4-5‬ ‭


Today started as every other day...then,

I baked some bread and went out to the Common Area to do a little decorating for Christmas. We don't have a lot of room in the house but LOTS of room out there. We are going to get a tall Christmas Tree for out there and it should be really nice....I'll take some pictures tomorrow to share...

Baked three loaves to last a day or two...

We had tuna sandwiches for lunch.

Lanny made a cover for the duck and chicken feed...this way it won't get wet when it rains...which is often!

The ducks and chicken are not really friends but they are nearly always close together...

We took the dogs for a walk and Murphy wanted to say hello to Dandy...they nearly touched noses but I couldn't take the picture quick enough...

And then we had Thanksgiving Dinner round 2...

One of my favorite parts of the day is putting the chickens and ducks to bed...they are just too cute!

So, we are full, in our Jammies and settling down to watch Secretariat...Another one of our favorites! Of course our fur kids are right here with us waiting for the popcorn...

Goodnight Y'all!

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, November 25

Quiet Time...

“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9:1-2‬


Normal routine after our Quiet Time...

I ran down the hill at 7 am to grab Sadie so she could spend the day. We stopped by Kroger's to get a few groceries.

It rained off and on most of the day but she managed to spend some time with the horses. AND, she found the lego's. These are the very lego's that her Daddy and uncle played with as well as all the grands before her. Can't beat lego's!!

We had breakfast for lunch...Ham and Eggs, Biscuits and Gravy... then Lanny and I snoozed as Sadie played a game on her phone.

Lanny spread river rock all around the pond for me so that it isn't so muddy...It looks really nice!!

We had Crescent Roll Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup for dinner.

Daddy isn't feeling well so we spent a considerable amount of time trying to settle him down. He didn't even join us for dinner...He finally had a mug of chicken noodle and also a bowl of popcorn and root beer a little later...hopefully it will pass.

The midweek service was last night because of Thanksgiving so Lanny was free tonight.

Sadie was picked up after supper and Lanny and I settled down for a movie and popcorn....Seabiscuit, one of our favorites!

Goodnight Y'all...

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Family Thanksgiving, November 24th

We had a pretty good crowd tonight..almost all the family....of course Nathaniel is in California and Kyra in Nashville...Rayne was not feeling well so she stayed away just in case. Otherwise, the gangs "nearly" all here :-)


5 Generations!!!

We also celebrated Tasha's birthday...we are so thankful for her renewed health...just a few months since her heart transplant. What a miracle! God is good!

Daddy enjoys Thanksgiving dinner :-)

The weather was nice enough that some of the gang ate out in the common is an open barn you know...

Sylvia Faye...

Friday on Walden's Mountain... February 21

Quiet Time Bible Study... 🧥❄️ “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your r...