Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, March 11

Quiet Time....

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭

Study Buddy's

Inside Morning chores all done...

... heading out to take care of the fowl...

Nice morning...

Lanny burned some trash in our burn barrel...

Murphy was STILL enjoying the fire...

I went out to check the egg boxes and Bossy was snuggled down...I thought she might leave one for me but she didn't. I did have a brown egg from one of the Black Copper Maran's tho, so I had 3 duck and 1 chicken egg today.

Lanny cleaned out the BioPod and the Composter so they would be ready for the season...and he mowed...

The sky was lovely today!

Mom, Paula and I went downtown today...we ate lunch at Krystal and then went to Kroger's to pick up some groceries.

I found Mr. Bill...

We saw the camels on our way home...

Lanny and Dad took a ride on the MULE while we were gone and tried to get the truck up the hill, but they had to call a tow truck... Lanny will take it back to the shop next week...they have had it several times and keep sending it home with a different problem...

Paula is working on planter boxes... I'll take some "after" photos when she gets them done...

Rob and Molly are planning and drawing designs...working hard on their's coming along...

Lanny took the MULE and the big mower down to mow the hills...he loves these jobs!

I made Fish Sticks, Popcorn Shrimp, Onion Rings and Normandy Veggies for dinner...

Lanny mowed the back yard after dinner...

All the evening chores are done...Potty Patrol and Fowl Bedtime...

I am waiting for him to shower and then we will sit down and relax with a movie and some second favorite time of remember that my first favorite is morning Quiet Time...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless us, every one...

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