Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Day in the Life / Tuesday, March 9

Quiet time....

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14:26


Normal Bible Study time...
Dad slept in...the reason that is interesting is that he has had terrible insomnia for years...naps all day, stays up all night...well, I gave him some Doxylamine (Unisom) several nights ago and he has been sleeping all night and actually going to bed at a normal time! So after nearly a year of him being up when I got up at 4 he is now still asleep...

...so, I feed the fur kids and go out to take care of the fowl kids before he gets up...then I do his meds, bed and breakfast...it's not a bad routine :-)

Mornings are still pretty cold but the afternoons are gorgeous...so ready for spring!

So, I let my sourdough breads (a white and a whole wheat) slow rise in the fridge all night and took them out first thing this morning to warm up, shape and rise some more...

Fed my crew crackers, cheese, peanut butter, salami and Vienna sausages ...they like it... I like the peanut butter and crackers the best!

...and the beggars were circling...

Lanny drove his truck down to check out the pond to be sure he could take Dad down there to fish on Thursday...well, his truck went into single wheel drive (instead of 4) and is stuck at the bottom of the hill...glad it was today and not Thursday...I don't think we could have walked Dad up that steep hill...

Rob tried to pull him up with his 4 wheel, but it is still a little too wet...

The horses thought it was interesting...

Rob came up alone :-)

He and Austin and really working hard and fast...it's coming together!

The bread turned out Yummy! my first good sourdough!

The ducks have been bothering the chickens in their coop and I think one of the ducks broke one of the chicken eggs...SO, Lanny raised up the boxes...Bossy was wanting to lay her egg and refused to get out even tho we were hammering and drilling... and, she laid her first egg of the year :-)

... today I not only got the three duck eggs, but the chickens blessed us with three as well!

The men were soaking up some sun while I fixed dinner...

Frying taters...YUM!!

We had Pintos, Fried Taters, Greens, Cornbread, all the Fixins and Lemon Cake for dessert...

We all overate!!

We are full, in our Jammies, all the outside chores are done and we are going to watch Cowboys and Aliens, with Harrison Ford...

Popcorn is in our future I am sure...

Goodnight Y'all!
We love you!
God bless America!

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