Friday, June 4, 2021

A Day in the Life / Friday, June 4

Quiet Time....

“Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13:3‬


Study Buddies...two in the blankets and Mitzi next to Daddy :-)

Murphy got tired of Maggie laying on him and moved up to the balcony...

And Max just curled up in Daddy's spot in the bed...I oftenhave to move him to make it :-)

Lanny working on the water can fountain....

Still some work to do on is leaking a bit.
he will finish it up tomorrow...

Paula's Asian Lily..

And her garden...

And her hay barn...

The stalls...

Paula's back yard...

The common room is still a work in progress..

Lanny has all his tools organized so Paula and I have to learn where everything is...

I'm making crystalized ginger, ginger tea, and ginger infused honey...
great all around tonic and especially good for upset tummy and nausea.
Mom suffers with that often...

Steeping for tea...

Candied ginger...

Oh Boy! Radishes!!

Nathaniels Tiny House is coming along...

...and then, the septic tank ran over!
all over the bathroom and into the office and living room...
When it rains, it pours...

It's been an awful afternoon...
no one has time to come out and it's the weekend...
I'll keep you posted, but we will NOT be having a fun time over here :-)

I made Breaded Chicken Breast and Twice Bakes Potatoes for dinner...
can't wash dishes normally so I had to get creative with that...

We are going to eat some popcorn and watch the end of the third LOTR and pretend that all is well :-)
Always something, but it always turns out OK in the end.

I caught a snake out by the gate and took him out into the woods earlier today... then I found one in the duck house and got bit three times before Lanny got him away from me.... This time Lanny took him off and sent him to snake heaven...we cannot have snakes eating our eggs and terrorizing our feathered kids.

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams!

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