Monday, June 7, 2021

A Day in the Life / Monday, June 7

Quiet Time.....

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭36:26


Waiting for their Daddy to get up and join us...

Already warm...I leave the door open so we can listen to the birds and the water fall in the pond...

Max was in the bed in his Daddy's spot when I went in at 6 to make it...
had to move him to the futon...

The ducks and chicks were squawking to get out!

So glad my three duck ladies are back on track!
I also got a chicken egg from Bossy later in the morning...

The view is really gorgeous from Rob and Molly's deck!

Look at those filters!

And when I get to the back door... look who is waiting patiently for me :-)

This little guy was eves dropping on my and Robbie's conversation this morning...
Frogs LOVE the rain...

Mom isn't feeling well...I made an appointment for her this afternoon...
turns out she just needed some modifications on her meds and they also did XRays on her ribs and hips just to be sure she didn't hurt anything when she slid in the floor last week. We will know those results tomorrow, but there are no indications of breaks.

Maggie and Mitzi were comforting her...dogs just know when you don't feel well...

Our septic has been out of commission since Friday...
well, today the Heroes came to fix it!!

They pumped and explained some do's and don'ts for septic systems.
They were SO nice, SO thorough and SO reasonably priced.
Five Stars for sure!!!

I warmed up left over pizza for was just as good the second time around.
Domino's Pizza is the best!!

I put the chicks and ducks to bed right before the last downpour...just in time!!

Saw my little Umbrella Tree Frog (he is in the umbrella every time I open it or close it! He must think it's a tree :-) )

Max resting up for the Night Shift!

I am in my Jammies waiting for Lanny to come in and take his shower...
we will watch Episode 2 of The Chosen tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless America...

Sweet Dreams!

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