Sunday, June 6, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday, June 6

Quiet Time....

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:8‬

Gonna be warm!

Study time with our little pack...

Finished our quiet time and I headed out early to release my feathered prisoners :-)

Three treasures in the duck house :-)

I think Willis is instructing them on the days activities...

Took care of the beds, the meds and the fur kids...
washed my hair in a dish pan (septic is still out of commission so still no sinks)...
wash and dump, but it worked out OK.

Headed down the hill at 7:45...ran by Walmart for some pond fish food, a shower curtain liner and some black out curtains for our bedroom doorway...we go to bed often when the sun is still shining :-)

Made it to church in time for Ensemble practice...
we had two really bright students in our Sunday school..

...Nice Worship Service and a very good crowd.

Since I don't have convenient dish washing choices we decided to grab a pizza on the way home and to eat in paper plates...Dominos Pizza is FABULOUS!!

Lanny and I took a short Sunday snooze...

...walked around the yard and checked everything out...

...and then he took me for a joy ride around the property...
not in the MULE (it is in the shop),
but in his truck!

I didn't get a single photo, but you've seen it a zillion times so just close your eyes and envision the beauty of it :-)

He headed back to church for the evening service...
I put the chicks and ducks to bed and freshened all the water features.

I am in my jammies finishing this post.
I will feed Daddy some "supper" (as I've told you, he is old school and not matter how big the lunch was, he still wants "supper" :-) )

We may start the Chosen series tonight. I will stream it from my phone or iPad. Everyone says it is so good!

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweetest Dreams,
and God bless us, Every One!

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