Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, June 2

Quiet Time....

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:17

Maggie was waiting for me to sit down...

Study Buddies.....

The whole gang :-)

Went out at 6 to take care of the chicks and ducks...

Three eggs again... I sure don't like having to hunt the whole yard for eggs...
but I don't blame them for being nervous about that snake!!

Max brought us a dead bunny, a partial dead rat (ugh) and a dead chipmunk today...
the rat is fair game, but I hate that he catches the cute little critters :-(

The fish are doing what fishies do in the spring...

Sadie was at it first thing this morning...she loves watching the DIY stuff...
and writing stories...

Wednesday is meds day... got Mom and Dad ready for the week :-)
They really don't take that many for their age...Dad only has two prescriptions and Mom four. Not bad for 90 and 91!

Made bread today...I never buy bread...I love homemade SO much better!

Fed Dad some cinnamon rolls and orange juice for breakfast...

The garden is doing well for having been dug up by raccoons...
hopefully they are on to better things...

Bossy laid an egg under the pool deck again :-(

Max thinks he has to be part of EVERYTHING we do :-)

Lanny fixed the BioPod so that the coons cannot stick their greedy little paws up under the cover and steal my composting veggies...
I will observe the motion videos tonight...
He carried his tools around in the MULE.

He also brought up some gravel and fixed some muddy spots around the duck ponds...

Bread is rising...

Made Banana Bread...a favorite of everyone around here...

Bossy loves watching her Daddy work...from her perch in the MULE :-)

Fishies are still doing fishy things....

Can you spot the Hummer on the fig branch?

Making butter with raw milk cream...
I do it in the processor...I know a churn would be more authentic, but this way takes about ten minutes :-)

And the bread right out of the oven...

Sadie and Papaw went fishing and Sadie caught a HUGE Blue Cat and a Bass..

Then they came home and ate Grilled Cheese for lunch...
it's hard work catching BIG fish...

Robbie is cleaning out years of collections...
He and his Dad agreed that they keep only 4 or 5 duplicate tools :-)

Made Chili Mac and Salad and Cornbread for Supper...
we ate fast so Dad and Lanny could go out and catch more big fish! Sadie :-)

Lanny gave Dad a Zebco 33 for an early Father's Day gift because Dad broke his on their last fishing day (it was only "50 years old"!!! It was high time to replace it!

I haven't seen him move this fast in quite some time!

Robbie is still sorting...
he said he's been out here 4 hours and it still looks the same :-)

Paula and Shelly are mucking the stalls...

I have a little friend...I guess he thinks the umbrella is a tree because every day he is there, singing away...

So, it's 6:30 and Dad and Lanny are still out...and then I notice Lanny's phone is on the charger on his desk! Robbie is on his way out to the pond WITH the phone to do the "Come On Man..." thing to his Dad... 
I will update you on THAT tomorrow... :-)

So I am finishing this post, waiting to hear if they have been mauled by a giant catfish or bass and anxiously anticipating the end of the second LOTR and some puppy cuddles (and Lanny cuddles) on the couch.

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams...

God BLESS America!

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