Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Day in the Life / Wednesday, June 9

Quiet Time.....

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100:4-5‬


I LOVE these warm mornings... I open the door and listen for the first bird songs...
usually it's owls calling to each other, then the song birds start in...

Every morning I fix Dad's thermos of coffee, get his cup and a donut, and set his inhaler there...when he gets up he can come in and get his goodies and take them in to his room...he usually goes right to facebook and reads my devotional entries and catches up on the fb world...

The fur kids love mornings as well... they always make themselves comfortable beside us as we study...

Around 6:00 I headed out to take care of the ducks and chickens...

This morning there were two eggs...Lanny made double sure later this morning that there was no entry for the snake...hopefully the egg situation is just stress and we didn't have a visitor in the night.

Came in and made the beds, got Dad his meds and then did Mom and Dad's meds for the week...

Still having some problems with the toilet flushing...Lanny did some reverse snaking and discovered some very bad grease plugs in the pipes. I did NOT do it! I am very careful about that, so it had to be years of buildup. Anyway, it seems to be clear now after he tried several things...he is a GENIUS!!!

Lanny ran out to help Danny do some errands and a few of his own...
I walked around the compound while is was still cool...

Mom and Paula were checking out her garden...

I made some fried baloney sandwiches for lunch...

Puppies begging of course...

Mitzi is nearly 11, from a shady past (she is a rescue)... 
even tho we have had her for 10 years she still carries the scars.
She rarely plays but now and then she loses her mind :-) and plays with Murphy...

Nathaniel is nearly finished with his initial design of his Tiny House...
Kate will be here in 5 days and he is SO excited for her to see it!

Paula has had a frog in her pipes for weeks...I think she found him :-)
...and then she put a screen (panty hose) over the entry...

Luke doing his thing...

Fixing Breakfast for dinner...
seven duck and 1 you can tell :-)

Eggs, Bacon, Biscuits...

We went out and roamed around a bit more after dinner...
it's beautiful whether it's sunny or cloudy!

Shelly helped Mom cross the lot...she doesn't like the gravel...

So, the chicks and ducks are in bed, the kitchen is cleaned up,
I am in my jammies and finishing this post...

I am watching another Star Trek episode.
Lanny won't be home until late, so we won't watch a movie together tonight...

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweetest Dreams...

God bless America!

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