Monday, July 12, 2021

A Day in the Life / Monday, July 12

Quiet Time...

“If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:1

I love these warm mornings... I open the door and listen to the water fall in our koi pond and Willie crowing every five minutes :-)... the owls "hooty hooing" all over the mountain and the whip-poor-wills... I LOVE mornings...
the very best time of the day and the very best time to spend with the Lord!

Dad came in for his coffee and donut and went back to his room...he did, however, come back in about 30 minutes and asked me to make his bed so he could get back in it :-) He sleeps ON the bedspread for his after coffee naps...

At 6 I headed out to take care of the feathered kids...
It was pretty cloud formations...

Only one duck egg in the house! Hmmmmm.

I am getting some cute gourds!

Paula's tomatoes...

Lanny and I went down to Home Depot to get some Scotchguard for our quilt... Murphy just won't quit sprinkling it... He is a rescue with a difficult past so I just figure out how to deal with it...we LOVE him!

We also went to Walmart to pick up a few things and then headed back home...
Lanny went out to Danny's and I started in on the house...

I washed all the bedding so I could do the waterproofing.
I vacuumed and mopped and wore myself out!
After I made grilled cheese sandwiches for Mom and Dad and me I sat down on the couch to rest a bit...

I found a duck egg under the nest box and two chicken eggs in the box...


I carefully checked on the blue bird babies...they are big enough now that if I opened the box quickly they might panic and jump out....careful, careful...

Dolly taking a bath...

For supper I made Beef and Noodles (ooooo, comfort food!), and Normandy Veggies.
I also had some home made pickles, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes...

I put the chicks and ducks to bed...
cleaned up their water bowls...
couldn't walk by those Pink Eye Beans without picking a few!

So tonight we will watch the third Men in Black...
I think it's my favorite :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!!

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