Sunday, July 11, 2021

A Day in the Life / Sunday July 11

Quiet Time.....

““For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:25


Even had Skipper sit with us today...
in the floor, but still with us :-)

At 6AM I headed out to take care of the chickens and ducks...
and roam around the morning yard...

Two eggs from my duck girls today...
and one brown from Coppertina later in the morning...

Cloudy skies...

The garden is getting quite wild...

The cucumbers and tomatoes are growing thru the fence into the back yard...

We have a little friend that is just determined to make a nuisance of herself...
she is looking for bugs, and she is probably finding them :-)

On my way to church I passed my favorite shetlands...

...and Calvary's steeple when I came over the rise...

Steve is back from vacation and he was rested and on fire!
Great sermon!

For Sunday Dinner we had Manwich (Sloppy Joes), Slaw and Chips...

After dinner Lanny and I took our little Sunday nap...
and so did Maggie...

Janie and Johnny came to visit...and bring a play kitchen for little Sylvia...

Janie is an excellent cucumber sleuth...
she found a bunch of cucumbers that I missed...

...and took them home to make pickles :-)

I fed Dandy some Smarties...

Best Friends Forever!!
and that's the truth...

After they left, I put the chickens and ducks to bed, fed Mom and Dad some soup, put on my jammies and I'm watching another Star Trek episode until Lanny gets home from church.

Not sure if we will have enough time for a movie... if we do it will be Men in Black 2...
We watched the first one last night.

God bless America!
Good night, sleep tight and SWEET DREAMS!!!

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