Saturday, July 10, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, July 10

Quiet Time.....

“For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:13‬


Maggie and Murphy under the covers...

Max came up for some lovin'...

...and Dad came in for his goodies...

Murphy snuck his head out and laid on my leg ... too cute!

Maggie was waiting for breakfast...

It was cloudy and still dark so I did some inside things before heading out at 6...

Fed the fur kids...
and made the beds...

Willie started hollering so I had to go out and take care of them :-)

Max thinks everything belongs to him...
this is a chicken and duck toy, but I don't think they care...

Three duck eggs and later in the morning I had a brown Maran egg in the nest box...

Checked on the Mealworm's coming along nicely.
the beetles are still active and mating and laying eggs and the baby mealworms are growing...soon they will be big enough to feed to the chickens and ducks and to start the cycle all over again...

Lanny and I went down at 8 for our Saturday morning date...
Hoskins Drug Store...YUM!!

Then we ran to Walmart for a few grocery items and other stuff...

We had crackers, cheese, bologna, Vienna sausages, egg salad and peanut butter for lunch..
Grab and Go :-)

Lanny and I rested for awhile and then I worked a bit in the yard and around the kitchen.

Kinda lazy day with off and on rain.

For dinner we had Fish Sticks, Chicken Patties, Normandy Veggies, Yams, Beets and fresh Tomatoes and Cucumbers out of the garden...

Lanny and I ran down the hill in the MULE to get the mail...
he picked up the puppy piles in the yard and I cleaned up the kitchen.
The chickens and ducks are in bed and they have clean water for tomorrow.
The rain started just as I finished up.

So, I am showered and in my jammies finishing this post.
Lanny is in the shower and will pick our movie for the night.

I guess you think my life is a like a broken record...
well, it is.

But when you LOVE the song you play it a gazillion times!

I LOVE our life here on the mountain...

God bless America.
Good night and Sweet Dreams!

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