Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, July 15

Quiet Time...

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

‭‭John‬ ‭15:7‬


Daddy was up bright and early...long enough to drink a cup of coffee, eat his donut and go back to bed :-)

We had a nice quiet morning for Bible Study...birds singing, a train or two, and Willie crowing every five minutes...I love life on the farm :-)

Headed out at 6 to do the outside morning chores....

The tomato plants (there are only two) are two feet taller than me!

Only one duck egg...
but two chicken eggs later in the morning...

Gourd flower...

Fishy Fun...

Overcast skies...
and a bit of fog...

Shelling some Pink Eyed beans...

Making some bread...
first rise...

Going in the oven for second rise...

Our little woodpecker is determined to dig out those carpenter bees...
it's a little female and she is here every day, several times a day. 
She may be feeding little ones :-)

Bread's done!

Made us some tomato sandwiches for lunch and then Lanny and I rested for about an hour... with the fur kids :-)

Robbie loves the rough cut raw lumber from Oak RIdge Hardwood, but it's wet. 
So he lays it out in the sun and turns it over and over before he puts it on the walls.
It's quite beautiful!

Paula's watermelons...

The two chicken eggs... the white one is Bossy's. She is the only white egg layer. 
The Black Copper Maran's lay brown eggs so I cannot tell whose egg it is unless I see one laying. 

After I fed the fur kids at 2 Lanny and I floated around in the pool until time to start dinner...the water is around 84 degrees. Perfect!

For supper we had a hodgepodge of left overs and this and that:
Salmon Patties, Dinner Fries, Cauliflower with Cheese, Green Beans and Carrots, Potato Wedges, Peas, Fresh sliced Tomatoes and Cucumbers and Butterscotch Pudding for Dessert...

Lanny picked up the Puppy Landmines and I took care of the chickens and ducks...they are safe and sound for the night.

Then I went over to chat with Paula and Shelly and the horses...

Gave Dandy some carrots and Smarties!

Then I went down to get the mail...
any chance to drive the MULE!

Lanny is working a funeral tonight so he won't be home until after 8:30 so probably no movie.... guess that means I will watch a few Star Trek episodes :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!! 

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