Friday, September 10, 2021

A Day in the Life / Friday, September 10

Quiet Time...

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭145:18‬

Good Morning Abba God...

Waiting for their Daddy to get up...

6 AM...

Fed the fur kids, made beds, dispensed meds :-)

Outside at daybreak...

Sounds like a broken record...
two duck eggs and later two chicken eggs  :-)

Fed Dad and Lanny some left over biscuits and gravy...
Took Mom a piece of banana bread and all the dogs followed me :-)

Went over to say hi to Paula...
this is Taffy (the brown one) and Corky, lovin' each other :-)

For lunch we had Ramen with chunks of chicken left over from last night..
Ramen is good as is, but add a few things and it's REALLY good :-)

Sat down for a few minutes (I had something in the oven...)

Making broth with a bag of necks (from the chickens we processed recently) and Lanny took the meat off the bones... was going to be for the dogs but there was SO much and it was SO good...I'll make stuff with it and give the dogs something else :-)

Planted some lettuce, kale and spinach...
we shall see...

Look how tall my okra is getting!

Paula's little Miss Priss Katy...she is too cute!

Made Cube Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and Green Beans out of Paula's garden... and Apple Pie and Ice Cream for dessert...

It is a giant apple turn over, kinda...

Lanny and I ran down the hill in the MULE for the mail and now he is in the shower and I'm finishing this post.

We started The Chosen again last night...we love the series!!
So we will be on that for several weeks.

Goodnight Y'all,
God bless and Sweet Dreams...

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