Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, September 11

Quiet Time...

““Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:4


Prayer and Bible Study Time...

With our devoted pack...
the fur kids!
Murphy is under the blanket, Maggie on the back of the couch, and Mitzi beside her Daddy...
Max is on the way...

I quit about 5:45 today because Skipper was going nuts begging for breakfast :-)

I made beds and did a few things inside until right before sunup...

Two duck eggs and later, three chicken eggs!!

Headed down the hill for our Hoskins Breakfast date at 7:45...
and we were talking so much I forgot to take a picture of our breakfast...
so I took a quick one before Lanny put his plate away..
I had the usual BLT and Lanny had a sausage biscuit...

Went to the CoOp for some layer feed and to Food City for tomorrow's lunch supplies...

Then home...

Max is always as high as he can get to survey his territory :-)

Washed and filled the three Hummingbird feeders...the little rascals are very active right now!

Lanny had to work on a blade on the Toro...he ran over a log!
But he fixed it.

Made some sandwiches for lunch using left over chicken and left over cube steak...
Hey, waste not, want not :-)
They were delicious!

Took our little snooze after lunch with the pack...

Then Lanny went out to mow and I took my phone and Plant app out and walked around identifying more of the weeds/herbs/trees on the property.

Paula is working on her septic tank and Luke was supervising...

The three chicken eggs I mentioned...

I gave 'em a little corn and they always come running!

For supper we had Fish Sticks, Potato Cakes, Mac and Tomatoes, Green Salad and some Roasted Okra from the garden...

Lanny and I went down the hill in the MULE to get the mail and I came back and finished cleaning up the kitchen.

I put the chicks and ducks to bed and took my shower and I am sitting here in my jammies finishing this post...

Lanny is in the shower and we will watch another episode of The Chosen.
Probably eat some popcorn and maybe an ice cream cone :-)

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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