Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Day in the Life / Saturday, September 4

Quiet Time...

“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.”

‭‭James‬ ‭5:13‬


Is it time to eat yet? :-)

6 am, out to the fowl...


Two duck eggs and three chicken eggs later in the morning...

The koi is so fast I cannot even get a good picture of him...

I love spider long as I am not running into them :-0

Heading for Hoskins...

Went to the CoOp, Food City for Sunday's lunch groceries, Home Depot for a couple food grade buckets and to Wendy and Toby's to pick up the raw milk they brought for us from Jennies...

Got a real good deal on ground chuck so I bought ten pounds and came home and fried it all up for the freezer...

Fed Mom and Dad a light lunch of saltines, cheese slices, baloney, a bit of tuna fish and peanut butter...

Lanny was out mowing so no nap after lunch...

Ten one pound cartons of ground chuck ready for the freezer...

Ducks hang out at the gate like the chickens do :-)

Lanny came up at 1 and we did sit down for a few minutes...
but no real nap for me...I had a meat loaf in the oven...

Just a very nice relaxing rest...

I make a big one so I can freeze half for another meal...

Cleaned and filled the hummingbird feeders...

The three chicken eggs I cute in the nest box...

Mags and Murph waiting for me to come in from the chicken lot...

Meat Loaf, Gravy, Brown Rice, Yams, Green Beans and Carrots, and Salad for supper... and then a home made Milk Cake for dessert...

Cleaned up the kitchen, took Mom down to get the mail, put the chickens and ducks to bed...

we are clean and in our jammies and ready to settle down on the couch for a movie...
Back to the Future...FUN!!

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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