Thursday, September 2, 2021

A Day in the Life / Thursday, September 2

Quiet Time...

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:21


Bible Study...

...til around 6...
then my work day begins :-)

Skipper telling me it's breakfast time...

Max patiently waiting...

I made the beds and fed the fur kids and got my chicken backs out of the fridge...
Broth Day... as soon as I let the chicks and ducks out...

They were ready to start their day...

Only one duck egg...
later I had three chicken eggs...

One of the new girls (I may name her Houdini) was on the duck house looking for a way to escape and Willie was frantic!

I put the chicken backs in the InstaPot for 30 minutes and cleaned the bones for dog food... 

The broth is concentrated, rich and yummy!

And the dogs do NOT need an invitation... they just KNOW!

Look at the mess!

Now the broth and bones will continue to cook all week.
As I remove some broth I will add water and keep it going.
At the end of the week I will start all over again.
That way I have broth at hand for dishes, dogs, a cup at night for us...

Even the chickens and ducks think I am nothing but the lunch lady...
waiting at the kitchen gate...

Made little pizzas using hamburger buns...
add some pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese and some pepperoni...

Ducks just won't give up!

We took a little rest after lunch...

We planted only a few okra plants but they love this location...
next year we will plant a lot more!

My two cherry tomato plants are still going strong!
I have been given a couple of recipes to try using them so we shall see...

Paula on the Toro...she loves it too if she get to it before Lanny does :-)

Lanny looking for puppy landmines...

Hummer visitor...
a little female...

...and a little male...

We had Fish Sticks, Macaroni and Tomatoes, Normandy Veggies and Watermelon and Cantaloupe for Dinner...

After dinner I put the chicks and ducks to bed and went down to get the mail...

So, we are all cleaned up, in our jammies and settling down to watch the next Indiana Jones.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless America...
Sweet Dreams!

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