Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday, October 31


Today was another pretty good day for Daddy. His legs are getting stronger as well as his arms. He gets a bit wobbly if he leans over and we have to make sure we stick close as he is walking to the bathroom. I think if he ever really started falling, however, I wouldn't be able to catch him. We will pray that doesn't happen.

His appetite is good and he has watched some sports today as well as sat at his computer. His thinking seems to be a bit clearer and he is remembering more things. Still moments of confusion, but he had dementia even before he was sick.

Lanny is progressing quickly and gaining his strength and endurance as well.
God is so very good!

I fixed them Fried Baloney Sandwiches for lunch and then for supper we had Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Biscuits, Gravy, Tomatoes, Sliced Onions and Sorghum! YUM!!

After Breakfast Dad wanted to lay down...Max was in the middle of the bed and I had to move him...he was not happy about that... see his eyeing the bed from the desk chair in the bottom left corner :-)

Morning moon!

Only one duck egg...Dolly (the white duck that was abducted by a hawk) was a good layer :-(


Tonight is the last Harry Potter :-( I hate when the series is over...
Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams!
God bless America and God bless you all!
Thank you for your prayers!!


Quiet Time...

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.””

‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:17 


Dad had a pretty good night...slept about three hours in the bed and then spent much of his waking hours on the computer! He has not been on the computer in weeks. He has a solitaire game and we got him a Lenovo computer with touch screen several years ago, so he can use his finger to move the cards instead of using the mouse. Being on the computer all night would not be a positive thing for most people but Dad cannot hear, has neuropathy so bad that he cannot use his hands and feet very well...doing anything to engage his mind is fabulous. He also enjoys facebook (he has a lot of military friends on there) so I am thrilled that he has gone back to that.

Look at that concentration :-) ... this was taken with my Daddy Cam on his computer desk... notice Max the cat in his bed. Max has a new favorite place to be!! Even when Dad is in the bed Max finds a spot at this feet...

Lanny and I are back to a fairly normal morning routine...sitting on the couch with our fur babies having our Bible and Study Time... I only have to jump up a few times to help Dad with something... I feel like we are starting to get back into a routine. Famous last words? I hope not :-)

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Saturday, October 30...Dad is NINETY TWO today!


Dad had a pretty good day today. His legs are a bit stronger but he gets winded so easy. Even light exertion calls for the oxygen machine. He didn't sleep much today and I always hope that will help him to sleep tonight...we shall see. I am rubbing his legs with magnesium in the evening (he has restless legs) and that seemed to help that problem last night. I also got him some liquid Tylenol PM (nurses recommendation) - the tablets are just too hard for him to take. Say a prayer that he rests a little more than two hours in the bed! I know he naps in his chair but that is NOT the same. His legs are swelling again because they are down all day.

Lanny is still not 100%...he also gets a bit winded and tired, but he is doing SO well. Praise the Lord...

Today is Daddy's 92nd Birthday...we celebrated with some favorites of his...

Breaded Chicken, Butter and Garlic Egg Noodles, Normandy Veggies, and Butterscotch Pudding :-)

Here are a few pics taken on this rainy day...

I did NOT feel well first thing this morning...tummy ache! The three dogs and the cat stuck right with me until I felt better...good medicine :-)

Silly puppies...they line up to see who can get to Max's plate first when he is done...they all LOVE cat food!

Made grilled cheese and baloney sandwiches for lunch...Mom and Dad had an usual!

So, we are nearing the end of Harry Potter... we are on Deathly Hallows 1... I didn't want to see them when they were first out but I have really enjoyed them once I gave in :-) I hate to see them end.

Goodnight Y'all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams...
thank you SO much for your prayers!


Quiet Time...

“for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:10‬


Not much to report this morning. Dad didn't sleep in his bed more than two hours. But he is moving about well enough in his room that I am just keeping an eye by monitor. He is in the bed now (he said "goodnight" so he thinks it's bedtime :-) ) so Lanny and I are having a quiet "Quiet Time".

Lanny is well. His blood sugar is staying under 300 and is going down. 

Continue to pray for him and Daddy, and for me as I care for Mom and Dad.

God is good!!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday on the Hill / October 29


Dad didn't have as good a day today as yesterday... he is restless and he just won't stay in the bed more than a few minutes.

He is still eating well but today he is very unsteady on his feet. His legs just buckle under him. Continue to pray for peace of mind for him. I know he is 92 and his physical condition may never improve... we just want him to be at peace with the Lord and in his situation.

Lanny and I did have an early quiet time with minimal interruptions this morning..

The sky is cloudy but it's still lovely in the morning...

Chicks and Ducks are glad to be out... 

For supper we had Salmon Cakes, Macaroni and Tomatoes, Green Beans and New Potatoes, Beets and Jello Dessert.

We are still working on Harry Potter...I think we stopped in the middle of one last night...we will watch as long as we want and hit the hay!!

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams!


Quiet Time...

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 

Philippians 4:9 
Dad is still having a hard time sleeping at night...He has for 30 years been a night owl, but would usually get in the bed for a few hours after midnight...I am not sure if he is afraid to sleep at night now (dementia does sad and crazy things). He is not calling for me or making a lot of noise and I just check on him via the camera monitor every hour or so...I only get up and go into his room if he needs assistance. So my sleep is minimally disrupted. Please pray for his peace and rest. He is uncomfortable in every way right now, but is definitely better than a week ago! Praise the Lord!
Lanny is just about as good as new...well, as good as "before COVID"  :-) The blood sugar is down a bit using the 30 units of insulin per day and once he gets the oral meds we are hoping it will even out. His sugar is going up through the day after his shot. 
God is good!

Danny's son and daughter are here taking care of his final arrangements. They came in last night so not much to report. I will update as I get more information. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday / October 28

Thursday Evening Update:

Today has been a very good day for Daddy. He woke up with a clearer head than he's had in weeks. He ate some eggs and sausage and toast for breakfast with Lanny...

The bath nurse came out and gave him a sponge bath in his chair and put lotion from head to toe...he looked, smelled and said he felt great! 

He is still weak and has to take it easy going to the bathroom and moving from chair to bed, etc. but today seems like a turning point for him. The antibiotics must be doing their job!

Lanny is better by the day as well. As I said, our main concern at this point is his blood sugar, but we are probably still fighting the steroids and other meds he was given in the hospital.

Thank you, thank you for your prayers. Keep them coming!

A few pics from the day...

Two duck eggs and one olive chicken egg later in the morning..

We had Baked Fish, Yams, Spinach and Fried Apples for dinner...

Dad cleaned his plate!

AND! after dinner he read the paper...first time in weeks. That is a big deal. He had no interest in anything until today. I think he has made the turn and is heading back to us!

So Lanny and I are in our Jammies getting ready to watch the 5th Harry Potter...perhaps some chips and dip later and even an ice cream cone...thank you Lord for the simple pleasures.

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams!


Early Morning Update:

Quiet Time...

 “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?””

‭‭John‬ ‭11:25-26‬ 


Last night was a much better night than the one before...Dad was up most of the night but that is not really unusual for him...he has done that for years. I didn't give him the Seroquel (and never will again) and he didn't buzz me one time. I woke up every 60 to 90 minutes or so and checked on him with the monitor... I don't have to get out of bed which keeps my sleep disruption at a minimum. I only went into his room once at 12:30 to see why the desk chair was in he middle of the room and to move it out of the walkway...  he said he wanted coffee but I told him the kitchen was closed :-) He would have to wait til 4:30. He was OK with that. He has lost all track of time, night and day... I think his nervousness was much less however. We talked about that before I went to bed and he says he isn't afraid of anything just has a bit of "nerves". 

He is moving around a lot better on his own so I am not as worried about him moving from the bed to his chair or even going to the bathroom. Looking ahead from this morning I feel good about the near future :-) He has had three doses of the antibiotic for his UTI so hopefully that has kicked in.

Lanny is nearly back to his old self. We are watching his blood sugar very closely. But the COVID appears to have come and gone. He is still tired and gets a bit winded with activity but he DID have pneumonia, after all, and also a sepsis infection... he is doing miraculously well after all that!!

God has blessed me with energy and such a sense of well Sleep Watch tells me that my sleep has been terrible but I am functioning at near 100%...only by His grace. 

Continue to pray for us and thank you for your prayers thus far.

Danny's daughter is on her way here from Texas to take care of his arrangements, and I will update on that topic as I learn more.

God is SO good, all the time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday, October 27

Wednesday Evening Update:

Danny's daughter will be flying out on the earliest flight to take care of the arrangements for Danny... I will pass on information as we learn more. Lanny is feeling good about it. These last years have been great for the two brothers...he has no regrets.

Lanny and I had our annual Wellness Appointment know, the one where seniors have to draw a clock showing ten minutes after eleven... I always draw a digital clock, just for fun :-)

Turns out Lanny and I are as "healthy as a horse", as "fit as a fiddle"...well, you get the idea... we are in great shape for the shape we are in, except we have to work on Lanny's blood sugar. For now we will continue the insulin and a new drug the doc called in...he will go back in three months for his A1C check...he had it down to 6 a while back but it was back up even before he was worries, we will fix it!

Dad is still nervous and doesn't want to lay down. I will never give him another one of those Seroquel "for depression, anxiety, insomnia...". it didn't work for him! Back to hot cocoa :-)

Hopefully another few doses of his antibiotic (for the UTI) will help him to feel better...I know infections, especially in the elderly, can really work on the fear, anxiety and confusion...

We had a fabulous meal, provided by our dear friends Betsy and Jimmy... Calhouns Boxed meals: Grilled Chicken, Pulled Pork, Barbecue Beans, Cole Slaw, Creamed Corn, Fried Apples...SO YUMMY!

My plate...pretty as a picture...

And a few photos from the day...

Pretty sunrise...

It was 37 degrees so the chicks were a little slow moving...most of them are old and have arthritis like the rest of us :-)

Three were still in the nest boxes NOT laying eggs... two were in one together and growling at each other (yes, chickens growl) :-)

Two duck eggs and one chicken egg probably from last evening or very early this morning...


“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”

Matthew 5:4


Wednesday Morning update:

Lanny's brother Danny passed away yesterday...his neighbor and friend found him sitting in his recliner...he died peacefully.

Please pray for Lanny, their three sisters Ann, Jan, and Jean, and for Danny's children and grandchildren...

As for Dad, he had a very bad night. He knew something was going on early in the evening, and I had to tell him about Danny. I am not sure if that is what triggered his nervousness and agitation or if it was the new antibiotic he was given for his UTI. The doctor sent him a med that was supposed to help him sleep and help with the confusion and agitation but it seems to have done exactly the opposite. He was up ALL night. As was I... Mom didn't rest well either.

I thought we were moving forward but it seems we've had a pretty bad fall. Continue to pray for Dad as well...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tuesday on the Hill / October 26

We had Home Health Nurses for both Dad and Lanny in today. Lanny is doing great and as far as Home Health is concerned, he is discharged :-)

Dad will need several more weeks of Home Health and physical therapy but he is improving as well. He does have a UTI and antibiotics are on the way...hopefully that has been causing some of his confusion and anxiety. He is moving a little better, legs not so shaky. He is also going to the bathroom with limited assistance...praise the Lord for small miracles!!

The Doctor also gave him something for sleep and agitation at night...hopefully that will relax him so that he will stay in the bed and sleep! I cannot stay awake and monitor him all night and he will NOT let me raise the rail. 

Continue to pray for Dad especially...


We had Butterfly Shrimp, French Fries, Peas and Salad (lettuce out of my garden)... and Jello for dessert...YUM!

Everything is moving along and we are taking it a day at a time.

God is good and walking with us every step of this journey...

Here are a few pics from earlier today...

I cannot believe we have a water lily bloom...

Lanny burned trash this morning..

Chicks and Ducks at sunup...

And the usual two duck eggs... no chicken eggs today. Cool weather...


Quiet Time...

“Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:13


I gave Dad a call button that rings in our bedroom...he knows how to use it :-) He buzzed me three times during the night. I think more for his peace of mind than any real need, but that is at least one thing he can rely on. He is so disoriented and still confused and bored...he cannot hear, he can't see well, he has very little feeling in his hands and feet so he cannot hold anything (including his water and coffee, a pencil)...
I am going to try to figure out a way he can start coloring again...he loved doing the adult coloring pages just a year ago. 
Please continue to lift him in your prayers...he is so unhappy...

Lanny is doing great...praise the Lord. His blood sugar is still very erratic, up and down, but our appointment is tomorrow so hopefully we will get that figured out.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Friday on the Mountain... March 28

 Quiet Time in Bible Study... 🍃🧹 ““Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water...