Thursday Evening Update:
Today has been a very good day for Daddy. He woke up with a clearer head than he's had in weeks. He ate some eggs and sausage and toast for breakfast with Lanny...
The bath nurse came out and gave him a sponge bath in his chair and put lotion from head to toe...he looked, smelled and said he felt great!
He is still weak and has to take it easy going to the bathroom and moving from chair to bed, etc. but today seems like a turning point for him. The antibiotics must be doing their job!
Lanny is better by the day as well. As I said, our main concern at this point is his blood sugar, but we are probably still fighting the steroids and other meds he was given in the hospital.
Thank you, thank you for your prayers. Keep them coming!
A few pics from the day...

Two duck eggs and one olive chicken egg later in the morning..

We had Baked Fish, Yams, Spinach and Fried Apples for dinner...
Dad cleaned his plate!
AND! after dinner he read the paper...first time in weeks. That is a big deal. He had no interest in anything until today. I think he has made the turn and is heading back to us!
So Lanny and I are in our Jammies getting ready to watch the 5th Harry Potter...perhaps some chips and dip later and even an ice cream cone...thank you Lord for the simple pleasures.
Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams!
Early Morning Update:
Quiet Time...
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?””
John 11:25-26
Last night was a much better night than the one before...Dad was up most of the night but that is not really unusual for him...he has done that for years. I didn't give him the Seroquel (and never will again) and he didn't buzz me one time. I woke up every 60 to 90 minutes or so and checked on him with the monitor... I don't have to get out of bed which keeps my sleep disruption at a minimum. I only went into his room once at 12:30 to see why the desk chair was in he middle of the room and to move it out of the walkway... he said he wanted coffee but I told him the kitchen was closed :-) He would have to wait til 4:30. He was OK with that. He has lost all track of time, night and day... I think his nervousness was much less however. We talked about that before I went to bed and he says he isn't afraid of anything just has a bit of "nerves".
He is moving around a lot better on his own so I am not as worried about him moving from the bed to his chair or even going to the bathroom. Looking ahead from this morning I feel good about the near future :-) He has had three doses of the antibiotic for his UTI so hopefully that has kicked in.
Lanny is nearly back to his old self. We are watching his blood sugar very closely. But the COVID appears to have come and gone. He is still tired and gets a bit winded with activity but he DID have pneumonia, after all, and also a sepsis infection... he is doing miraculously well after all that!!
God has blessed me with energy and such a sense of well Sleep Watch tells me that my sleep has been terrible but I am functioning at near 100%...only by His grace.
Continue to pray for us and thank you for your prayers thus far.
Danny's daughter is on her way here from Texas to take care of his arrangements, and I will update on that topic as I learn more.
God is SO good, all the time.