Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday on the Farm, November 12

Quiet Time...

“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭

Caught Mom trying out Daddy's bed on the Camera last evening...I tried it out too. It is VERY comfortable!! :-)

The early bird....

Dad was up with his headphones on... He was listening to Bread of Life! He said he'd been listening for three hours. I will be sure to tell Bruce (again) how much ALL of us love the Bread of Life Quartet. For those of you who may not know, our Choir Director Bruce, Estel, Terry and David make up THE best gospel quartet on the face of this earth...  

My sleep watch had better news this morning... I slept pretty good. Four hours and fifty minutes of restful sleep! And minimal disruption... and I can tell this morning. 

Sweet Hour.... the Lord, my sweetie and the pups make this just about my favorite time of day...

Fed the fur kids and let the feathered kids out of their coops...
It was a very foggy morning...

Made a CheeseCake for tonights Dinner...

Lanny and I went "out" this morning...we had the oil changed, stopped by Kroger's for a couple items, went to Staples for ink and card stock (it's Christmas Calendar time...a bit late, but I am going to try to get them all done)... then we dropped something off to Shannon at Canterfield... first time I have been out of the house in about six weeks!! I felt giddy!

Dad has been watching ball games, coloring a bit (we put some soft tubing around his pencils so he could hold them better) and doing some crosswords. 

Made Mom and Dad and Lanny a Tuna Sandwich for lunch and I had a Peanut Butter and Jelly... then... yes, you guessed it. We sat on that couch and snoozed for nearly 90 whole minutes...heavenly!!
Dad also took a good nap...

Maggie and Murphy wanted to be right next to me on the same arm of the couch...
too cute!

That's the look of love...

Lanny tried to get mulch yesterday but there was a very long line of dump trucks ahead of him so he came on home...he tried again today...

He brought home some nice play ground mulch/chips for the back yard...keeps the doggy paws nice and clean. 

Picked some lettuce and spinach from the garden...

I made Chicken Breast, Stewed Potatoes, Spinach, Salad and Cheese Cake for Supper.

My plate...

So, the puppy piles are picked up, the kitchen is clean, the chicks and ducks are in bed and I am getting ready to put on my Jammies..
My second favorite time of day...sitting on the couch with my Honey and the fur kids watching a movie... and eating popcorn or chips and dip or ice cream cones or nothing much if we are FULL of supper :-)
Just being together...

Goodnight Y'all...
Sweet Dreams and God bless you one and all...
Thank you for you prayers.

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