Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday in the Hills, November 13

Quiet Time...

“bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:28

Lanny's audience for Guacamole and Chips...
during last nights movie :-)

Up before the chickens...always :-)

I am doing a little better with my sleep...
4 hours restful and only minimal disruption...

Fed the fur kids and headed out to release the chicks and ducks from their overnight prison...

Making some sandwich bread...we eat a LOT of sandwiches around here for lunch.
Used to make soup but Dad has trouble with that right now...soon...

Ready to proof in the oven...

First rise...ready for the bread pan...

I love this Pullman Pan...makes the perfect size for sandwiches...

Lanny ran down and got a load of playground mulch for the dog yard and put a bit in the chicken coop...
it's fine poplar...nice!

Lookin' out the kitchen window...

Then he spread it on the mulch areas of the back dog yard...keeps the mud off my floors!!

Pretty...and it really keeps the low wet spots dry for the pups...
they love it and so do I!!

Sandwich loaf out of the oven and ready for grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch!

For supper we had Beef Patties and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans and Carrots, Biscuits and the rest of the Cheese Cake...

Dad just about has his old appetite back.  No problem in that area. He is gaining strength in his legs. Still not sleeping well. I'm sure he gets at least 8 hours sleep in 24 hours but it's in small increments at night and longer naps during the day... I am making some herbal tinctures that I hope will help but they take several weeks to infuse. I'll keep you posted :-)
Keep praying...

Kitchen is cleaned up, the pup piles are disposed of, the chicks and ducks are in their cells for the night and I am in my Jammies...

...not sure what is on the big screen you know, Lanny is the movie man.
I'll let you know tomorrow. We just watched RED 1 & 2 so I am not sure what comes after that. 
He has a system :-)

Goodnight Y'all..
We love you all...
God bless and Sweet Dreams!

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